Part 1

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September 12 2021
I wake up too a loud beeping sound to soon realize it was my annoying alarm clock.
"God damn I'm up I'm up jeez"
I get out of my bed and pull out a pair of grey joggers and a black hoodie with a semicolon on it. I slip it on then walk out of room to wake up my older brother.
I say while banging on his door "fine gosh" I hear him groan from behind the door.
I walk downstairs to greet my mom making breakfast
"Hello mum"
"Good morning sweetie, I'm going on a business trip tomorrow and I'll be gone for 3 days, Your brother is staying at Eli's and you can stay here if you want but it's up to you just make sure their parents are okay with it dear"
"Yes ma'am" I say as my brother runs downstairs grabs a bite to eat and runs outside to the car waiting for me. "Why can't he drive yet mum he's 18 you need to get him out of this house already" I say as I head out the door and start driving to school.

Once we get to school my brother hops out of the car and quickly goes off somewhere, typical him I mean, he's the most popular guys best friend and I'm the shy girl with straight A's, everyone at my school finds Eli, the most popular dude might I add, very attractive, but I don't find him very attractive or any interest in him.
I gather my stuff and head to the library, I usually go there to help out the librarian cause it's just how I am.
"Hello Mrs Brim, where would you like these books placed?" I say while grabbing a box of books.
"Well they're crime and horror books so section 7L would be perfect"
I smile and nod while I head over to the book section she told me. While putting the last few books up I hear the door open. Which is unusual cause no one comes here before class starts, I peak my head around to see popular star Eli Mely. Gosh I hope he doesn't come over here,
I start putting the last of my books up hoping he doesn't come over, right as I'm putting my last book up I feel a tap on my shoulder.

427 words, chapters will get longer eventually but as the start I'll go shorter. Please give me tips if needed. :)
I love you get some sleep.

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