Chapter 1: First Encounter

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As her eyes slowly started to close but due to her dedication, she slapped herself forcing her to wake up. She checks the time and it was currently 1 in the morning. She smiled knowing she already had done her daily devotion before pushing herself to draw her beloved story. 

Once she starts to do the line art, she realized that it was on the wrong layer. Stressed out she almost broke her pen but calmed herself while looking at the night sky out the window. She still did not regret buying this house as her workplace.  You could see the city and how beautiful that is. (Besides what is hiding in the shadows)

Tired and aching, she decided to eat for a while to be energized and have the will to do the line art once again.  "God, please remind me to check if I am on the right layer,"  she asked as she opened her food cabinet. 

"Oh, ramyeon. My favorite!  And it is the spicy flavored one too," she excitedly says.  She started to cook it just the way her favorite Korean artist does. She actually had to cook it while she watches it the first time she tried to do so. 

While her food is being cooked, she listened to some songs played on the radio station full of the oldies. Rick-rolled as soon as she turns it on, she continued to listen and sway to the beat. 

Meanwhile, someone stealthily climbs over the fence of Anastacia's workplace thinking the owner has left hours ago. He proceeds to pick the lock on the door not trying to wake up a sleeping dog he just noticed along the way.

Successfully, he opens the door and lets himself in as he slowly closes the door behind. He did a background check on this place so he knows where the valuables are stored. His stomach grumbled as he smelled a certain food which he ate hours ago before coming here.

Shaking his head to stop his mind from thinking he is hungry, he proceeds and successfully went in front of the room. "Now is not the time to be hungry stomach. We have a goal here to achieve and once I succeed, you can get the food you like," he says as if he is speaking to another person named 'Stomach'.  He picks the lock but realizes it was open the whole time.

He grins thinking he had hit the jackpot but as soon as he was about to enter, Anastacia was there eating her favorite ramyeon flavor while watching her favorite Korean variety show who was now looking at him with noodles dangling from her mouth. 

Slurping the noodles, she showed him the ramyeon she was eating as she tilts her head. He flinched thinking he was getting hit so he immediately touched the place he stored his knife. (Which actually was fake because he does not know how to use one) 

"You come to kill me or something?" she said as she pauses the video and places the bowl of ramyeon carefully on her table.  She walks closer to him while he walks back in fear of what she will do to him.

He took out his fake knife and threatened her to give him every gadget she has. She acted scared and tried to cry saying she can give him money instead.

So full of himself he agreed but Anastacia laughed held the knife saying, "I am an artist for 17 years. I know a fake knife when I see one." She looked at the knife and carefully scanned it. "It looks good though. Are you an artist as well?" she added grabbing him by the hand to sit down on the mini chair she has.

"Yeah, it i-is my dream to become one," he replied nervously. Tilting her head she removed his mask making him blush and lean back. He did not expect this to happen when robbing someone's workplace.

"The name is Anastacia, a pleasure to meet you, thief. Now, you want some ramyeon?" she asked. She basically cooked 5 packs which she usually does. 

"You are not going to ask me why am I here?" he asked out of doubt for he does not know who she is or what she is thinking. "That, I will ask later. For now, I want to be friends with you," she replied. "So, you want some ramyeon or not?" she added as she was about to get another bowl but smaller than hers.

"I-," as he was about to answer, his stomach answered for him instead as it grumbles loudly at the room. She laughed and went to get a bowl (smaller than hers) and chopsticks hoping he can use them.  

When she returned, she was a little surprised to see him there. She thought he had escaped and does not want to be friends but there he is staring out the window. Guess he was hungry after all.

He handed him his bowl of ramyeon and a pair of chopsticks. "Thank you," he replied and starts eating.

"So while eating, can you tell me why you were about to rob or kill me?" she asked as she stirs her soup.

"At first I did not know that you, the owner is still here. I was about to steal your gadgets to make my 'non-money making' as they call it, dream come true," he explained. "I am not good at comforting people but that sucks. I experienced that a lot of times from people I was closed with before," she answered and he chuckled. 

"Yeah," was all he said and continued eating, so did she.

( ͡❛ ω ͡❛) A/N:

A short chapter for a short story but do not worry for this is not a one-shot. I might add two more chapters, making chapter 3 the last one. 

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God bless you every one!

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