Special Chapter: New Year's Eve

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It was a cold night since December is here and the cold will be long gone soon.

Anastacia was looking out the window as she finally ended her last chapter for the day. This is how she spent her New Year's Eve, drawing and finalizing her webtoon which she will use for a contest.

The doorbell rang and she went down lazily as she stifled her yawn. The sound just kept on repeating making her annoyed. "AH! I'm coming! Sheesh..." She yelled and as soon as she opened the door, his toothy grin was what she first saw.

She was about to close the door but he stooped it with his foot and entered. "You can never spend New Year's Eve alone!" He said as I went to my kitchen and grab a drink.

He came with a bag full of ingredients and ready-to-go foods. He placed it onto the counter and stretched his arms. "Don't mind if I start preparing," he said as she stared at him while drinking.

He has come to my house whenever he wants to since our first encounter. Anastacia didn't mind though but coming in when I look like a mess.

He started to sniff around and looked at me with disgust. "If I look like I need a shower then at least just tell me. You don't have to act as if I came from the sewer," she thought to herself.

Even though, she sniffed herself and honestly..."I smell fine," she thought but his face says otherwise so she went and take a quick shower.

While she was doing that, he then washed his hands and started cooking. "Let's see...we'll be having spaghetti, shanghai–you can never forget about it, mac and cheese, and graham. I could just order chicken later," he said while fixing the ingredients he'll use first.

He has been cooking for her because every time he comes here, she hasn't eaten so he was like the chef of the house. The truth was that he knows how bad her eating disorder is and seeing how she only eats cup noodles or microwave rice can make it worse.

She loves to eat a lot but then she feels lazy to that she doesn't care about how skinny she'll be but then realize it so she binge eats.

He sighed as he remembers but when back to cooking. 

One hour has passed by and Anastacia has finished taking a shower while he just finished making spaghetti and graham.

She went down the stairs and she dries off her hair with a towel. "Need any help?" she asked he was hesitant because the last time she did, it was a mess and they had to eat takeouts.

"Just help me roll this up, that you can do right?" he asked and she smiled as she nodded her head then went to do it. 

"Of course, I can. Remember your birthday party with your family?" she answered and proudly rolled up the shanghai. 

The rest of the hour was them talking and cooking so they could eat it when the fireworks from the neighbors would go off at exactly 12 AM.

He was tired since he did most of the work while she cleaned up the balcony where they will be later on.

She went back down and saw him asleep on her couch in a sitting position. Not minding it, she checked the place if it is clean enough for the guests to come. She was expecting at least 10 people to come. 

"What are you doing, just walking around there?" he asked drowsily as he rubs his eye. Anastacia slightly push him down as he was about to stand up making him confused, "Just sleep and I'll wake you up when the guests arrived." she told him and noticed him gulp. 

"About the guests, I haven't invited anyone...I want it to be a one on one thing," he explained himself as he prepared for a slap, punch, or a very hurting sentence but it never came. All you could see was a stunned expression. 

He was doubting whether to held her hand as he apologizes, "I am very sorry Anastacia. I had something else prepared to make it up but that's on the drain now."

"It's...It's fine, but at least tell me before I washed a lot of plates! I may seem calm but I am angry on how I wanted to see my friends and family," she says as she stood up and wrapped herself with her own arms.

It was silent for no one knows ehat to say in situation or react to it. Anastacia just sat near the counter while he was still sitting down on the couch.

He was fidgeting if he'll go to her or leave but leaving wasn't on his mind right now.

A new years eve like this might be a painful memory since they will remember it every year so he took the chance and went near her who was already drinking the wine.

He grabbed the glass carefully from her making her mad as you can see in her face. He smiled trying to ease the tension but she grabbed it back and drank it all in one shot.

"You'll get drunk at this point and you vowed to never get drunk remember?!" He told her making her remember the promises she had made–not to him.

She stopped once she remembered and went out the backyard to get some fresh air and to also cool down.

With a long and heavy sigh she asked him, "We're you planning on doing something without our guests? It's not something sexual, right?" Making him shake his head as a sign of 'No'.

He got something out of his pocket and showed her an engagement ring that he was about to give her. Again, she was shocked.

She took it carefully from his hand and looked at it in awe. "You could have done this with them but...why not?" She asked still looking at the ring.

"I want it to be an us thing...I really don't like to propose when other people are around but I know that it was a lame excuse to do this," he replied as he was about to take the ring back but she stopped him by putting it away from him.

"I forgive you but never do anything like that again. Alright? And tell me everything before hand so it doesn't end up like this," she told him as he hand it back with a smile. He smiled and received it then bend down on his knee.

Obviously she wasn't shock but excited at what was happening. Who knew a thief at her place would be the person she was marrying.

"Will you, Anastacia my beloved...who always forgives even though I messed up really bad and that's one of the reasons why I love you...marry me?" He said and smiled as he opened the box.

She bend down to his level and smirked, "This may be one of the weirdest proposal I have seen and first handedly witnessed...but still...I love you and I will marr you. Yes, I will marry you," she said making him smile widely and place the ring on her ring finger.

They kissed and picked her off the ground like a typical male lead would do but since he's not your typical male lead after all, they almost fell but she caught them in time making them in a dance position.

"You're still messing things up but that's cute of you...if it's a small thing," she said and giggled as they fixed themselves.

The two went back inside hand in hand to eat the food they made when the fireworks suddenly appeared and flashed before their eyes.

They looked at each other and laughed how bad the timing was but as long as they're together.

He leaned on her shoulder and kept saying sorry because he still feels guilty but she assured him that it's okay and that he should learn from his mistakes.

She gave him a kiss as a sign of do not worry and he kissed back as a sign of relief.

I Befriended The ThiefDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora