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Tess POV

I run out of the hospital doors, wiping my face of my tears. I stop under a small tree and lean against it. 

Should I...be happy for them? I really want to be, but I still care for Day. Ever since he lost his memory, I wanted to tell him "I really like you" or "I love you." My feelings have grown in these past four years, and seeing him with June gives me a weird feeling inside. 

Am I, jealous of June? Of course I am. She loves him too. I don't want to be, but I am. 

But, I saw June everyday being sad because I'm more closer with Day. He only did remember me,after all.

Maybe this is for the best, maybe Day isn't meant for me. And maybe, just maybe, there is someone for me out there. I just don't know who.

I hear someone calling my name behind me and I turn around. Day is running out of the hospital doors. "Tess!" He says breathless stopping in front of me. "Are you OK? I saw you crying." he asks with worry in his eyes. I can't tell him... because he belongs with June. June needs Day too.  I look at him and put on the best smile I can. 

"I'm okay, Day."

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