Arcade- Chapter 9

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|Wednesday August 7, flashback to the dinner.|

E R I N   I M O N I E L

"Is the pizza homemade?" I ask as we all were about to start eating. Even though Conner was ahead of everyone and was on his second slice. You can't get between Conner and his pizza.

"Yup, Kevin over here made it." Diamond smiled as she was pouring herself a glass of Pepsi. Kevin and Diamond were total opposites. Kevin loved Coke a Cola, while Diamond loved Pepsi. Kevin hates Pepsi and Diamond hates Coke. It was a match made in heaven really.

We were having a great time at dinner. We were laughing and enjoying our time together. No matter how happy I am, it just makes me miss my parents more. Just imaging if they didn't die that day, they would be here with me still. We would be sitting around this dinning table with their friends and enjoying each others company.

I excused myself from the dinner table and went to nearest bathroom.

Calm down.

I couldn't stop it though. Memories of family dinners flooded my brain. Why did this have to happen now.

It's because your birthday is coming up. Okay. Calm down. I try to even my breathing but it was pretty hard.

I made sure no tears would drop.

I try to think of happy thoughts.


Alright, cmon. Try to remember a star.

Oh god this isn't helping.



Deep breath in



Deep breath out



Deep breath in



Deep breathe out



Okay. My breathing was even. I flush the toilet to make it look like I did use the bathroom. And then I washed my hands. I looked at myself and smiled once. Before heading out again.

They were all talking, like I hadn't left at all.

I sat back down on my chair. I picked up slice of pizza and ate it.

"Y'know Erin, you should try to make your mom's favorite brownies. She used to make them so good. I remember the day she met your dad, she got so mad at him. That she started throwing brownies at him. I really miss those day."

I was left speechless. All I could do was nod.

Brownies. Calm down Erin. Ignore it.

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