Starting Story 4 (Lillia's Origin)

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Pan to Lillia walking into a warehouse

Another day at this boring job doing mindless tasks and being social with people who literally don't care that you exist.

"Hey, Lillia! I gotta a box here and it's pretty heavy. Think you can help?"
A man named William waved to me.

Easy enough. I should be able to reduce its gravity and carry it to the table. It's sort of pathetic though, having a woman do your task specifically because an object is heavy. But since he's new, I'll let it slide.

I put the box down on the table and hear a click come from behind my head.

"Now, open it."

"Pardon me?"

I turn around, only to be met with the barrel of a gun.

"My instructions were very clear, Lillia. Please don't make me hurt you."

I turn back around and carefully open the box. Inside is a clear, glass, tube with some green liquid inside.

"Now take out the tube."

I do as he says.

"Good girl. Tu-"

"Hey! What are you two doing?"

I glance over my shoulder to see a lady in brown pigtails staring at us in fear.

"Oh hey, Maggie."
A shot rings out and Margret's body falls to the floor.

Screams are let out as people frantically look for a place to exit from.

Random People in the crowd begin to fight the people running away. Eventually it becomes clear that William is not working alone.

He shoots a couple of times into the air.

"Everyone! Calm down! As long as you stay compliant and do as I say, you'll live!"

With his back to me, I could...

I dash at his back when a sharp pain forms in my abdomen.

William turns to me and frowns.

"Man...I really liked you, too."

Was I shot? I didn't hear anything, though.

More people get shot as they try to leave. I begin trying to heal myself but the thing is...
If I emit too much magic...they'll notice that I'm alive...
I'll have to keep my emission to a minimum...One finger should do...
I'm sorry everyone for being selfish...if I could heal you all at once, I would...

I pass out from the pain but eventually I'm awake, again. The sun is shining. I hadn't even realized I had passed out and even still, I was able to continue healing myself.

"Oh? There is one alive."

A woman leans over me.

"Can you hear me? It appears you survived in a painful state."

She squats down.

"I guess I'll reward you for living so long."


The pain went away?

I sit up.

"How did you do that?!?"

"Do what?"

"How did you heal my wounds so fast?"

"I didn't. Since I don't know any healing spells, I figured out how to rewind people. I rewound your body to how it was before this incident."

"But wouldn't my body eventually go back to being injured because the wounds come in the future?"

She Smiles and raises a finger.

"No. Because your body has been rewound, it will overwrite any harm or positive affects that may happen to you in the future."


" 'wow' is correct. Magic is a wonderful thing."

"Merlin! We got the head! Time to go!"
Someone calls out.

"Ah, well, it looks like my time has come. Sorry about all of your dead peers."

"Can't you rewind them too?"

"The Rewind spell has three limits. A rewind only goes up to a year, the body has to have all of its limbs, and...people who've been dead longer than a day cannot be rewound."

"How do you know if they've been dead longer than a day?!? They could have died just hours ago! You don't know!"

"Oh? But I do. Just by looking at someone I can see the exact day and hour they were born. The same can be said for their death date."


"So, you can see when someone dies?"

"No, that's not what I meant. I meant, I can see when some HAS died. Not WHEN they die."

"Where do you learn these thi-"

"Merlin! We. Have. To. Go!"

"Well, sayounara!"

The woman turns around and begins to walk away.

"Can I go with you? I want to lea-"

All of a sudden, I'm on a plane. It's not flying, though.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, I have a disciple."

"I knew it. As soon as I sensed the slightest bit of magic from this massacre sight."

The woman turns to me.

"What's your name?"

I respond.

"Well, Lillia, My name is Merlin."

A man in the very back of the plane begins to laugh

"Don't let her good looks fool you. Her real name is
'The Devil's Sin Of Gluttony'."

Merlin starts to think long and hard. Turning her back to the group.

I ask the man.

"Well because she eats like a pig!"
The man next to him chimes in.

"That's not completely true Wallace and you know it."
A man steps onto the plane's open door.

This is such a big group of people. Why are they even here?

"She was called that because she used to be apart of a gang called 'The Seven Deadly Sins'. In that gang, each member had a tattoo of their sin. Her's was a boar to resemble gluttony."

"Why isn't she with them now?"

"She left them to pursue her experiments and solve mind boggling questions. She came to our guild looking for a place to set up a lab. Not soon after, people started noticing her cold actions and started calling her a murderer. She was then called 'The Devil's Sin Of Gluttony'."

Merlin turns back to the group with her finger on her lip.

"I've already concocted a name for her. What about, 'Mastermind Lillia'?"

"I hope I can live up to that name."

"Don't worry. I'll shape you into a mage even grander than I am! At that point, they'll have no choice but to call you by such."

Now that I can see her in the light, Merlin looks to be a woman of her early thirties but dresses as if she's a horny twenty year old.

Definitely not what I'd expect a teacher to look like.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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