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Simar reaches school and runs to class to sit with Aarav but sees Aarav didn’t come still

She goes and sit at her place and one of her classmates come to her

Nakul: Hi. My name Nakul. Me sit with you

Simar: No. Me only sit with Aarav no one sit with me

Nakul gets tears listening to Simar

Nakul: Okay . Sorry

Simar feels bad and says

Simar: Okay you sit only one day . Tomorrow me sit with Aarav only

Nakul shows his smiles : Thank you  

Simar and Nakul start talking with eachother

Aarav runs towards the class . Aarav got late as he fall down on the ground and got hurt on his hand . So the maid was dressing his wound and he was cryong as it was paining and got late

Aarav enters the class and sees Simar sitting with Nakul and feels bad

Aarav goes to Simar

Aarav: Hi

Simar: Hi Aarav. Today Nakul sit with me

Aarav: You no sit with me?

Simar shakes her head as no

Aarav feels bad and goes and sit at the corner . He thinks like all Simar also will forget him. He will alone be alone. He slowly starts crying

Simar looks at Aarav and sees him crying and runs towards him

Simar: Why you crying ?

Aarav: No me no cry

Simar: You lie. You crying

Aarav: You also leave me like mumma and papa and make new friend and starts crying

Simar immediately hugs him

Simar: No cry. Simar only your friend . Please no cry. Sorry

Aarav: No Aarav katif with you

Simar eyes turn watery : You katif with me

Aarav: Yes . Bye

Simar cries as Aarav was katif with her

It was break time and Aarav sit at the place where Simar made him sit yesterday

Simar comes there

Simar cries : Please no be katif with me. Simar will be good girl. Me no make new friemds. Me only be your friend

Aarav feels bad seeing Simar crying and hugs her

Aarav : Promise. You no leave me

Simar: Pinky promise. Me no leave you

Aarav and Simar have lunch when Aarav hands pain

Simar: You get hurt ?

Aarav: Yes me fell and got hurt . It pains

Simar takes his hand and kisses at his wound

Aarav feels very happy

Simar: Mumma say of you kiss at hurt . It goes off fast fast

Aarav: You kiss one more time

Simar kisses his wound one more time and Aarav feels happy and content.

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