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Pooja was talking to Aarav continuously and Simar was looking at Aarav as she didn’t like Aarav talking to someone else. Aarav was only his friend

Pooja: We eat lunch together

Aarav: No me eat lunch with Simar

Pooja puts: Please

Aarav: No please.  This class over you go front and sit . Simar come and sit here

Pooja : No me sit with you only . That Simar is no sit with you

Aarav: No Simar sit with me

The class gets over and Simar comes near Pooja

Simar: You go and sit in that bench. This is my place

Pooja: No me sit with Aarav

Simar angrily : Aarav is my friend only and I will sit with Aarav . Go now.

Pooja pouts and goes and sit in the front bench

Simar come and sit with Aarav and doesn’t talk to him . Aarav smiles at Simar but she doesn’t smile

Aarav: You no talk to me?

Simar: No Simar katti with you. You gave my chocolate to Pooja and sit also with her. Kattii

Aarav: No katti with me please

Simar: Katti . Sir come now. Don’t talk

The classes go on and it was time for break when Simar sees Aarav and doesn’t find him

Aarav was sitting in the place where daily they have lunch and thought Simar will not come

Simar come there and sit with Aarav

Aarav: You come ?

Simar: Yes. But I am still katti with you

Aarav holds his ears and cutely says: Sorry

Simar : No . Me no talk to you. Eat food

Simar and Aarav eat

Aarav:. Close your eyes

Simar: Why ?

Aarav : Do

Simar closes her eyes and Aarav removes something from his pocket

Aarav: Now open your eyes

Simar: Okay

Simar sees 10 chocolates Aarav got for her

Simar: All this for me

Aarav: Yes

Simar: Thank you and kisses him on cheeks

Aarav blushes when Simar kisses him

Aarav: Now you angry on me

Sinar: No.

Aarav: You only my fav Simar

Simar kisses him again on cheeks: Thank you. You very good

Aarav: Me also kiss you on cheeks?

Simar nods her head and Aarav kisses her on cheeks and Simar automatically blushes

Aarav: You are very nice Simar.

Simar: Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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