Chapter 4

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It was Friday as Yulia was sitting in her final class for the day. Her professor was droning on and on about psychology, but in all honesty, Yulia had mentally checked out and was lost, staring out the window at the clouds, shaded by a sunset that was just beginning. Yulia had been exhausted lately as the homework was piling up, no time for dueling or hanging out with her team when there are ten-page papers about the effects of depression and autism on the psyche of a young person. That being said, Yulia was looking forward too this weekend as she had actually finished the bulk of her homework pile.

Class finally let out and Yulia headed directly for her dorm, only too be stopped by a student who missed a class today and needed the notes. A quick detour and some photocopying later, Yulia was back on track. Yulia crossed the campus outside, it was starting to get chilly, she was gonna need to start dressing warmer soon.

Yulia put her key in the door, rock music could be heard inside. As she opened the door she chuckled. Abbey was spread eagle, dead asleep on her bed, a book lying open across her face. "Okay, Kaiba. Set volume at two." The cube shaped, digital assistant on the desk next to the door lit up and beeped as the music volume dropped.

Yulia cleaned up the papers that were spread all over Abbey's bed and the floor and left them on her desk, stacked nice and neat. She grabbed a card, one of Abbey's many Skull Servant copies, off the desk and stuck it in the book to keep the place. Yulia sat on her bed and leaned against the wall as she scrolled through social media on her phone.

The sun had finally finished setting, night time conquering the sky. Yulia had nodded off herself, but woke with a start as her phone buzzed with a text. "Huh? Oh, just mom checking in.." Yulia said as she responded to the text. Her stomach rumbled as she looked in the cabinets and mini fridge and saw nothing of interest.

She grabbed a sheet of notebook paper and left a note for Abbey, saying she was going on a grocery run and should be back soon. She put on her green hoodie and zipped it up as she put her phone and Soldisk in her pocket.

It was a little brisk out tonight; the leaves starting to turn more and more orange, swaying in the early night breeze as Yulia made her way off campus towards town. The occasional car drove by, college kids or a small family probably going out for dinner. Yulia turned at a corner and headed down Main Street. At the middle of the block sat the convenience store 24/7. Inside, Yulia grabbed a basket and started walking down the aisles.

She took a six-pack of Kuriboh Cola and a bag of Traptrix Stix and knew Abbey would want some Madolche Puddings. Some ramen, a box of Frosted Exodi'O's and some various candies, Yulia approached the counter as some kids walked out with unopened Duel Monsters booster packs. "Oh, you guys sell cards?" The cashier nodded and gestured to the wall behind them. There a few empty display boxes, most still held a hand full of packs. Yulia placed her food on the counter as she leaned forward. "Lemme get... two Destiny's Dreamscapes aaaand two Beast Fighter's Fury's and that should be it.. with this stuff of course!" Yulia smiled as the cashier handed her the boosters after scanning them first and started doing her food. She immediately tore each pack open and flipped through each card. "Aw man.. Nothing good."

"That's the way it goes." The cashier stated.

"Oh well!" Yulia said as she slid the cards into her pocket and paid. "Thank you!" She said as she exited the store and walked in the direction she came from when she heard a small commotion coming from an alley nearby.

"Thish ish the besht you kidsh got from that shtore? Pony up your decksh. Let'sh go." Yulia recognized the voice as the kids each groaned.

Yulia stepped around the corner and saw a short, fat man with a bowl cut, pig nose and buck teeth surrounded by the kids she saw at the 24/7. She immediately recognized the man as one of that Trilby guy's cronies. What was it they called themselves? The Townies. And here was one ripping kids off. "Just what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Yulia shouted as she looked upon this scene.

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