(An Untitled Entry)

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{Admin here, hi! For anyone who just stumbled upon this while browsing, I just wanna tell you this is lore for a Vocaloid roleplay going on between... I think over 100 vocaloid accounts at this point. So if you want to keep reading, don't be surprised if some things are referenced that you do not understand. You should also know that this is written from the perspective of a very young Fukase. Enjoy!}

*The page is worn out, yellowed, tattered, and even a bit torn, but the words on the page are almost as clear as day... because they're flippin' huge*

HI! I fownd this book in a piel nere tha door, but it wuz empty, so I'm riting in it cuz it sownds fun! I think tha man bringin tha messed up car in yesterday called it a "die-uh-ree". I ges it's mien now, hehe!

I think I'm sposed ta rite abowt myself in this, so hello die-uh-ree, I'm Fukase! 

That's speled F-U-K-A-S-E! My mommy told me that one! She's not here rite now tho, but she said she gonna visit in a few more days, so I jus gotta wait! And my daddy told me that he's gonna miss me for a bit, but that he's gonna come visit with mommy when she comes to visit! Oh ya, I shood probly say I'm in a junkyard... actally wait I think it's a garbej dump... it's kinda nasty but at least there's cool stuff here! And lotsa space to run, so it's okaye!

I realy miss them tho. I hope they come back soon.

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