May 15, 2016, Entry 6

13 1 0

*The page looks... Okay. A few spots of red here and there, but that's probably from the previous page*

Hi, me again. I'm alive and alright I guess. I found a needle and thread and patched myself up after I came to, and the previous page kinda looks like a murder scene... Yeeeaah, sorry about that. But it's amazing how much can be fixed by a needle and thread, isn't it? I looked horrifying earlier, but now I look slightly less horrifying! It's a miracle! Oh, and I can't see through one of my eyes... Eh it's probably fine. Don't want to worry too much or my heart rate might cause the wounds to reopen. It's already happened once and I don't think I want to go through that again.

Anyways, everything's healing up. Not nicely, but it's healing. I'll probably be scarred for life, but it's worth it just to live.

I'll be ending this entry now, and I probably won't write as often in here, but whenever something important happens I'll make sure to record it!


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