Notice about the story

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This is my first Larry/Elouner story and I hope that you all will like this story just as much as I am going to while writing this story.

This story is going to contain mpreg (male pregnancy), self-harm and there's going to be some flashbacks of Louis and Harry's relationship before Louis left Harry.

Just so both umieraj and lealie04 know that this song can be put into different perspectives; like a relationship or something else. plus I read on the internet that Louis never said that he wrote the song about his mom; that it's just in memory of her. The song in this story is going to be from Louis' point of view from the time that he was with Harry and their relationship together before he left him.

Had to do this story again since these two were not liking the title of the story since they said "Louis wrote it about his mother who passed away". Nowhere in the articles that I found about the song did he say that he wrote it about his mom. It can also be about a relationship but this one person doesn't think that it is since they think that it's just about Louis' mom when it really isn't. So I'm really not being disrespectful for having a song that Louis wrote in memory of his mom when I'm not.

I'll be updating this story soon.

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