2. Escape!

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            I crawled as fast I could through the ventilation shafts not knowing where I was going or how to get out, but I knew I had to eventually get out of here. They could adjust the temperatures enough to make it dangerous for me in these tight and metal tunnels, or they could put something in the air to incapacitate or even kill me. I'm not ruling out their motivation to kill me, especially after what I just did to two of their people, not to mention what the girl also did to their people and their equipment.

I was making a ton of noise as I was crawling, so I assumed they would be waiting for me wherever I popped out. I instinctually wanted to go as high as I could or as low as I could. I had found a section of the ventilation that went straight up. So, I climbed.

It was straining on my arms and legs to climb straight up, but I managed it. I finally found another path within the ventilation system that branched out instead of up, so I went for it. After a few twists and turns, I found an exit. I think. What was waiting for me on the other side? As I slowly approached the end of the ventilation shaft, I listened for anyone that might be waiting on the other side. I didn't hear anyone, but I couldn't see anything on the other side either. I also had a new problem: I didn't have a weapon or any tools to pry open the ventilation entrance like I did when to get in here. What to do now? I wasn't strong enough to break it on my own, and I didn't want to make more noise either. I had to quickly come up with a plan because I was a sitting duck here for anything these people wanted to do to me.

Wait... what was that?

I heard a subtle noise also coming from the vents. It was definitely another person, so I needed to prepare myself for his or her arrival. I quickly but quietly moved myself around a corner where I could attempt a blitz attack on whoever was coming.

I got into position. The noises were getting louder and louder. Whoever it was, they were clearly attempting to be quiet, but I could still hear them move.

Fifteen feet away. Five feet away. I got my arms ready to grab them however I could.

Whoever it was, they were about a foot away when they suddenly stopped and started saying something to me. The voice was a girl's voice. I didn't understand what she was saying, though. Whatever she was saying, I didn't trust anyone at this facility, so I wasn't going to take any chances. I'm not going back and being caged up again. I didn't respond to her, but I remained ready to fight if I needed to.

She said something again, but she made a different sound. I was confused... what did she want? Who was around the corner? I patiently waited for what was going to happen next.

Suddenly, she stuck her two hands around the corner. She spread her fingers wide... I think she tried to indicate that she was no threat. I slowly backed up to see what was going to happen. Was this going to be a trick? or was this person truly not threatening me? I didn't want to find out, but I hesitated enough to find out.

The person slowly peered from around the corner, headfirst. Wait a minute. When I could see her full face, I recognized her.

It was the girl that had escaped! Wow! Wait... she's back? Why? What was she doing here? Was she captured again and forced to capture me too? Was she actually trying to help me escape?

The girl had found a new set of clothes to wear since I last saw her. I have no clue how long ago that was. She was wearing a lab coat that the scientists were wearing, but she now had a white shirt and blue pants. It felt odd because I was not wearing the clothes she was wearing. I looked down... well... I was not wearing anything at all. I was wearing a white fluffy piece of clothing on when I was strapped to the table in the other room, but I ditched that while escaping. I didn't want anything to come with me when I escaped. I thought that anything in that room could somehow lead to my downfall or capture.

#1 - Nick WebsterWhere stories live. Discover now