2. Cosmo

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I could feel Cassian's frustration as we watched Lexi rush off after Cassandra. That was it, we were done with letting that viper stay around our girl.

"She may stand up to her" he said quietly and I nod, hoping she does, but wondering at what cost to herself.  "And if she doesn't, I think its time we made it clear where we stand" he continues and my gaze swings to him.

"Why Now?" I question, curious as to why, we had discussed this and decided to wait until she had done a year in her new job, she was settled, she was ready.

His gaze flicks to where our brother and his best friends are guiding their girl towards the pool house. "Things are going to change around here, we were waiting so she felt secure, in what we were asking of her, an unusual relationship, well if Ivo does what I think he's going to do, our relationship with Lexi will easy for people to understand"

"And if we rush it and lose her?" I worry.

"That's never going to happen, she is ours, everyone knows it, including her, though she has yet to admit it" he replies and I can hear his total belief in his words.

We sit and watch as the parents finally disperse, talking amongst themselves at what just happened, Laurent had surprised us all by coming to Per's defence, he never usually engaged with any of the people we brought with us, in fact I think that is the most he has ever said to Cassandra.

The sound of rushing feet, make us both turn and we see Lexi, head down and clearly upset rush back up from the beach area, before we can react she is in the house and out of our sight.

Both of us are on our feet and heading into the house seconds later, but before we are half way up the stairs Charles appears.

"Is she okay?" We ask at the same time and a brief smile crosses Charles face before it straightens again.

"She is with her mother" he holds up his hand to stop us "She's upset, give her some space, Cassandra is going home... she wants her gone" he explains.

Thank god for that, the viper was going, she was never a real friend to Lexi, but I knew it would have hurt her to break away from Cassandra, Lexi has a soft heart.

"What can we do?" Cassian asked.

"Find Cassandra and escort her to her room, I will arrange for the stewards to start packing her and a car to take her to the airport, where there will be a ticket waiting"

"We will take her, I want to make sure she goes" I offer and Charles nods.

"Good, good, now let's get this sorted" he mutters before heading deeper into the house to the house manager office.

"Do you think she is still on the beach?" Cassian asks and I nod.

We meet Cassandra coming back up the steps, her eyes narrowing as we stop in front of her.

"Why, Why hurt Lexi like that?" I bit out.

Cassandra laughed spitefully. "Oh yes, lets make this all about poor little friendless Lexi, so scared of making friends, scared of everything, and I was her friend, I helped her, made sure she had a social life and how did she repay me, with nothing" 

I exchange a WTF look with Cassian, was this girl for real, she had played on Lexi's friendship both financially and mentally, I thought of the holidays and events Cassandra had attended, I was sure she was part of the reason Lex didn't have a larger group of friends, Cassandra cut them out when she could.

I looked at her, she would never understand what she had done, recognise the friendship she has lost, she was too selfish and self absorbed.  I was glad she was leaving "The stewards are packing your things, we will be taking you to the airport, Charles has arranged a ticket for you"

"So that's it" she asked bitterly

"After today you went too far, attacking Per would have brought Ivo and the others disgust, but then you attacked Lexi and that's it, if she hadn't made the decision, we would of for her, she deserves better than you" I tell her and watch as her face heats in anger.

"You bastards, you think your better than the rest of us, but if you think that mousy little girl would be enough for the two of you, you're dreaming, and.."

"Shut up" Cassian's voice is cold as ice and she gapes at him, her words stopping mid flow. "Get upstairs and pack or leave without, we really don't care, we just want you gone"

She hisses and pushes past him, rushing into the house, I know by now the stewards would have done most of the packing, and anything left can be sent on afterwards, Charles appears from the library and waves us over.

"You sure you want to take her, I can get John to do it" he asks but after a quick look at Cassian, I know we want to do it.

"We need to know she has gone and if we stay here we are not going to give Lex the space she needs"

"Her mother is taking her into town with some of the others, take her mind off what's happened" he pauses and looks at us "When are you boys going to claim her, you need to keep this from happening again"

"Soon" Cassian answers for us both and Charles nods.


When we come out we know she's gone, several of the family cars are gone and we can hear Cassandra shouting at the staff.

"Time to leave" I tell her, watching her come down the stairs a bag in her hands and she glares at me, as John hands me the keys to the car and an envelope that I know will contain all the flight information

"Bags are packed" he murmurs before stepping back and I nod.

The ride to the airport is completed in silence and using the valet service we guide Cassandra though to check her in. She stalks beside us in silence the whole way, her fury almost palpable.

"Good bye Cassandra" I say when we reach her check-in and I hand over the paperwork.

"Fuck off" she growls and I share a look with Cassian as I laugh, stepping off to one side as she is processed and waved through and stalks away.

Cassian slings in arm around my shoulders and we grin as she goes, feeling happier now she is away from Lexi.

"Come on, lets go see if she is back yet, I want to make sure she is okay" he tells me and I agree.

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