Not your typical school day...

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Izuku POV:

My alarm goes off. I reach to hit snooze when I see ITS 7:45! I get up instantly throw my uniform on, wash my face, grab my books, and head out the doors.

 I rush down the elevator, where I meet Uraraka and Tsuyu. "Hi Ura-san!" I say, as she looks at me and waves. She then goes back to staring.... at Tsuyu? Does she have a crush on Tsuyu? I giggle internally, noting that I should tease her about this later.

 The elevator opens, and the three of us make a break for class 1A. We enter the class, only to find that Aizawa Sensei isn't even there yet. I groan, all my effort wasted. Iida starts to lecture us about the importance of punctuality, saying that it is 8:05, even tho Aizawa isn't here yet. I nod, not listening and head over to my desk. I thought I would have some time to think, but I realize Kacchan was sitting right next to me.

To fill you in, I have had a crush on Kacchan for like..... a while. I would say maybe 2nd year, when he saved me and told me to train harder, so that he could beat me. Idk why but, first of all, the way he saved me - SO DAMN HOT. He was like sweating, and he had this look on his face, and I guess it was the first time in a while I looked at his eyes. They were red, a fiery, ruby, red. They were just beautiful. Anyway enough simping for Kacchan, I have to figure out why he would say sorry. And for what. 

I ponder the question for a minute, and decide that asking him would be the.... easiest option. Not really though. "Kacchan, can I ask you something?" I say softly, wincing for a blow that never came. "Whatever nerd, just be quick." he says, rolling his eyes. That was not what I expected. "U-um Kacchan, why did you say sorry?" I said, lowering my head. I saw Kacchan visibly tense for a minute, and then relax. "Because I am sorry, nerd. I did a lot of shit when we were brats and I know an apology isn't going to make up for that. Also if you tell anyone I apologized you're dead." He added, the bitter tone coming back

KACCHANS SORRY! I cant believe this! Maybe we can be friends after all. Or more. I internally slap myself. Don't think like that Izuku! "I accept your apology Kacchan, and I am totally going to give you a hug later." I would hug him on the spot, but I think he wouldn't like that. "Be ready to be blasted into next week nerd." He said, as Aizawa sensei entered the room.

I giggled, and zoned out for the lesson drooling over Kacchan, and being excited about our new found friendship. Although I wouldn't call it that. And since I do so much studying, zoning out really doesn't matter. The bell rings, bringing me back to reality, and I head to my next class, only to be met by Ura-san. 

"Hi Izuku!" she says, a bright smile on her face. "So you have a crush in Tsuyu huh?" I say, softly, not tryna embarrass her. "Wh-aaaaat, why w-would you think t-that?" she says nervous. "I saw you staring at her in the elevator 😏" I add, smirking. "Whatever- oh there she is now, bye Izuku!" she says running off. Wow. Well I shouldn't be bitter.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur. I pull out my phone after school to text Kacchan:

To Kacchan💕: Be ready, I'm coming to the dorms in 5

From Kacchan💕: K

To Kacchan💕: I expected more of a reaction from you...?

From Kacchan💕: Can't talk. Busy jamming the door.

To Kacchan💕: KACCHAN!!😖

Katsuki POV:

Locking the door is definitely not what I'm doing right now. Izuku is going to hug me. It probably means nothing right? Yea he is probably like, totally straight. Nothing to gay about. Well, I mean then he probably does not like me or never will. I sigh. Maybe it's a lost cause. I should bury my feelings. I head the lock click, and the door swings open.

"So you didn't lock the door." Izu says, placing his books on a counter. "Whatever," I say. He walks over. "Thanks for apologizing Kacchan," He says, his voice breaking ever so slightly. "I should have done it a long time ago..." I mutter. He then wraps me in a hug. It's so sudden, so comforting, and unexpected. Even though he told me it was going to happen. "I hope we can be friends again..." He whispers, ever so slightly. "Of course." I say, returning the hug.

"KACCHAN HUGGED ME KACCHAN HUGG-" "SHUT YOUR TRAP SHIT NERD" I yell, chasing him around the dorm. He runs into his room and tries to close the door, but fails. I run into his room. He runs towards his bed, and I tackle him mid-air, and we end up on his bed, me pinning him down. Once I realize the position we're in, my face heats up a little bit,"Sorry nerd," I said, getting off of Izu and sitting on the bed , a light blush on our faces. "Um, it's fine Kacchan" He stutters. "Um so, when are your like 50 million All Might posters arriving? My stuff is coming in about an hour." I say, breaking the tension. "Well I actually Don't know... mama said she would send them over soon..." he muttered pulling out his phone.

It was really cute when he did that, his inaudible dialogue making his face change into various expressions. His freckles were adorable. Like he was a literal cinnamon roll. "Is there something on my face?" Izu says, looking down. "No?" "Then why were you staring at me?" he asks. "Oh um, you were rambling.." I say. "Oh" he says, blushing and going back to his phone.

I pull out my phone. I decide to rename Izu's contact to "Izu 💕"

I then log into the class 1A group chat to see if there is anything going on....


Word Count: 1057

Hey guys!

Thanks for reading!

I just wanna say 2 things:

next ch will be a chat chapter (mainly)

everyone is 18+ so keep that in mind

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