Smile at Hope in the Name of Despair

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WARNING: HEAVY MANGA SPOILERS  (start skipping if you see the name Kokonoi)

'It's been a long time since I've seen you, (Y/n)-kun.' The almost suffocating smell of cigars permeated the room. I wondered idly if this is how I would die- from breathing in second hand smoke.

The large man who sat across from me smiled grandly, seated neatly in his suit. He was Nagao Ayato, a Diet member with close ties to the police.. and unfortunately, a family acquaintance.

'It's nice to see you again, Nagao-san.' I bent my waist the best I could, hoping it reached a perfect 90 degrees. 'How has your health been?'

'Very good, very good.' Nagao gave a hearty laugh. It sounded mocking, ringing endlessly in my ears. 'Come, sit by me. Thanks to you, the police arrested the gangsters present at the Ikebukuro brawl.'

Hah.. I'm the one who tipped you off, but look at who got all the credit?

'Not at all.' I didn't bother with smiling, but I looked up through my lashes when I sat in the excessively extravagant chair next to Nagao. I had a feeling it was too expensive for his paycheck, but I didn't comment on it. Keep calm and wait, (Y/n). One day, one day you'll get back at this guy.

'Is there anything you would like me to do for you, Nagao-san?' I asked mildly, hoping my somewhat pleasant tone made up for my lack of a smile.

'I was just stopping by in Tokyo.' The man heaved out a great chuckle, the sound bellowing in the tiny room. 'I hear you want to be a politician?'

'Yes, sir.' I smiled then, the corners of my mouth feeling too stiff. No, sir. Where the fuck did you hear that?

'A fine job.' Nagao laughed good naturedly, eyes glinting unnaturally as he tapped his cigar on the edge of a bowl. 'Soften up at that old man of yours for me, will you? I would hate to start the next Diet meeting with a bad atmosphere.'

Because he was Nagao Ayato, I understood he meant the opposite of what he had said.

'Yes, sir.' I nodded quietly. I had a feeling Father would start the meeting in an extremely foul mood. From what? Hm.. Perhaps I'd ask Mother if she needed to go on a shopping spree.

'My offer to you always remains open.' Nagao gave me a wide smile, his eyes trained on me. His expression was friendly enough, but I knew exactly what the 'offer' was.. and that was where I drew the line.

'Nice doing business with you, sir.' I said firmly, standing stiffly from my seat. 'I take it the Honda* parked downstairs is meant to be mine?'

'Consider it a small gift.' Nagao nodded as he waved a careless hand.

I made sure to smile and bow properly when I bid Nagao farewell. I closed the door and quite nearly bolted down the corridor. The stench of cigars threatened to suffocate me as I hastily made my way out of the far too extravagant house.

A servant offered me the keys to the sleek, grey Honda parked outside of the grand estate. I hopped in, jammed the key in and started the engine.

I made a detour whenever I saw a police car, making my way to school. I didn't have a license, after all. It was.. 5:32p.m.. I knew that a certain someone would still be at school at this hour.

I parked the car a few streets down, walking the rest of my way to school. The hallways were mostly empty, as the clubs had all ended a while ago.

I made my way to the school library, took a deep breath, and pushed the door open.

Please be here, please be here, please be here..

Kokonoi Hajime was, without a doubt, one of the most dangerous people in society. Still is, will always be.

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