Rewrite Notice

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It's been a little over 2 years since I started and last wrote for this story, so I'm not sure if anyone will read this note. But yes, as the chapter title indicates - I'm rewriting "The Tiger And A Thousand Winters in That Place"! (And maybe changing that title too because it's a mouthful. I'm not sure. Suggestions and comments would be much appreciated).

A warning, first and foremost. This was labeled as a Baji X Kazutora X Chifuyu X Reader story. From the moment the first chapter is rewritten, Baji will not be a part of whatever romance is going on.

Now, you might have a few questions.

1. Why the rewrite?

Because it deserves one. It's not as well-written as I'd like, I didn't like the plans I had for the plot, and honestly, it has its cringe. But above all, I don't think I would've ever gotten the motivation to write this ever again if the story stayed as it was.

It wasn't all bad, there were a lot of parts I liked too. But the point is, that there were a lot of writing mistakes and bad decisions. I'm not saying there won't be any after the rewrite, but hopefully, the writing will be at least a little better. I'll apologize to any readers who loved the original in advance, and I thank you for your continued support. The story shouldn't be that wildly different (aside from kicking Baji out of the poly going on), but change is still change. Some people will like it, and some people will not.

(Speaking of bad decisions. I'm also annoyed that I didn't update this story before on Kazutora's birthday, the 16th of September... as well as the fact that I didn't decide on a rewrite in time for the 19th of December, Chifuyu's birthday... but I digress)

2. Why haven't you updated at all for the past 2 years?

There are two reasons. The reason why I stopped is that I updated so quickly that I burnt out. The reason why I didn't come back is because at some point I just started cringing whenever I thought of this story. Upon rereading it's not as bad as I made it out to be. But yes, that is it. That is the very, very stupid reason.

Now, I cannot promise it won't happen again, because this story is very much a passion project for me. Also, I do terribly under pressure. So instead, I will warn any current or future readers that the way I will approach this story is completely according to my whims and fancies. Because this story has been made public, I'll probably feel self-obligated to publish something at least once a year, but that is the minimum promise I can give you.

3. Why stop writing Baji X Reader?

I'll be honest, it's because I'm indifferent about Baji (romantically? it's weird). I don't hate him, but I don't love him either, simply because he had too little screen time for me to get attached to him.

At first, I wrote him in because it didn't feel right to have both Tora and Fuyu but not Baji. But I couldn't really envision dating Baji. In contrast, Kazutora and Chifuyu are easy to write for me (which is a weird statement since I don't believe Fuyu has even shown up yet), but Baji is entirely unexplored territory.

I think the way I'll write, going forward, is I'll have Baji be the reader's best friend because honestly, he's such a good bro. (Please don't take this as the gospel truth though. I've only just decided to rewrite, and I don't have any concrete plans yet.) He will not, at any point, harbor serious feelings for the main character, nor will it happen vice versa. Because boys are boys, they'll have their gay moments, but they will simply be very good friends.

I apologize to anyone who likes Baji, anyone who read for him, and anyone who was looking forward to the main character spending time with him. There are many other good stories on the Internet for that (although I don't know of any). If anyone recommends one in the comments, I will highly appreciate it.

End Notes:

Well. First and foremost, thank you for reading til the end. I will take down this chapter once every previous chapter has been rewritten, so it doesn't interrupt any future reading experiences.

Thank you to anyone who has stuck out with me and this story for so many years, and again, I apologize to anyone who is disappointed by the changes. I realize that sounds very dramatic for a story that only has five chapters. I am dramatic. Deal with it.

I do love Tora and Fuyu dearly, as well as the rest of the gang from Tokyo Revengers. Tora has gotten me through some tough times, and I'm sure everyone in the fandom collectively babies Chifuyu (as they should). I have a lot of love for the collective Tora-Fuyu-Baji idiot trio, and I'll see where their shenanigans lead this story!

Thank you again, and please leave a comment or two just on your thoughts about the changes, or I don't know. Scream.

Take care, stay warm (or cold?), and have a wonderful rest of your day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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