Can of Worms

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Starting my ninja training earlier than the boys has its advantages because not only does that mean I don't have to train with them, I get to train my idiot brothers. I sure do like making them regret their words on how I'm a kid. It feels great showing that I'm much more than that. But, It's less fun when I have to be a part of the lesson with them.

So that's how my day started off, unfortunately. 

Being a part of the damn lesson. 


I walk around the newly built training room, studying every last piece of it, making sure it's ready for when I train with it. "Sensei Wu and Nya did an amazing job building this place heh. Now, I gotta test this out heh," I say with a smile.

I take out my fans, getting into position. I take a few breathes to get myself in the mindset. "Focus. Stay in control. And-" 

The door swings open, breaking my concentration. I sigh, turning to the person. "Oh, hey Lloyd," I say with a smile and a bit surprised. "What brings you here? Not exactly your scene."

"Oh, I just came in here to check out the new training room. Looks amazing by the way heh. I actually saw your brothers doing some last-minute tinkering before you came in. Anyway, cya!" Lloyd walks out of the room leaving me a bit confused. 

I shake my head, shrugging it off. Probably just adding some new mechanics then. They do love adding new things to train on for their weapons.

I hit the button, turning on everything. I quickly get back instance, staring intently at it. That's when I run towards the training course, but of course, something gets in the way.

Damn destiny.

Everything that was attached to the machines become unattached causing everything to start being thrown around the room. I try to dodge and block but it's no use. There's just too damn much!

"Gah! Help! You damn idiots!"


I storm into my idiot brother's room, finding them all here arguing at each other. I don't care though. They are going to regret messing with the training room and almost drowning me in heavy equipment!

"You couldn't just be happy with the top score. You had to rub it in my face!" Kai angrily shouts at Cole.

Cole then shouts to Jay. "Do you know how long it took me to make that? Three days. Three days!"

"It's an unsaid law, okay? You don't touch a man's robot!"Jay shouts to Zane.

"How am I supposed to strike fear in this?!" Zane shouts at Kai, "It's pink!" 

It's obvious that they aren't listening to each other and I'm just going to make this worse. Who cares though?! Their first mistake was messing with the training room!

"Uh excuse me, guys! Why did you all have to tamper with the new training equipment?! I was almost pelted to death by all of the heavy equipment! How could you all tamper with it?!"

We get into a very heated argument, just yelling at each other at this point. That's when Sensei Wu walks in on our argument, shaking his head in disappointment completely as he walks to the bathroom door and opens it, revealing Lloyd. We turn to Sensei as our eyes widen. Oh, come on Lloyd!  

The young boy laughs at what he's caused and of course, sitting right next to the little monster, there's everything he used on us.

We gasp, "You did this?!"

Of course, he wouldn't stop pranking even though he's with us.

"Guys, I get first dibs on. . . " Cole says, getting ready to punch Lloyd. 

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