why i havent posted in a while

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Hey people who read my story so i havent posted in a while i wanted to let you guys know why. so as of last Thursday (September 9th 2021) i started 8th grade. and i wanna make sure i get good grades this year so not only now but this story i might stick to updating only on days i dont have school or when i dont have any homework. i will keep this story being updated and i wont give up on it but it will be alittle between updates. when i go back to living with my mom who knows what about my sleep schedule but i most likely will be updating this thing during like the middle of the night because knowing me and my ADHD i cant fucking stick to things. so yeah but i will definitely be doing this a lot more just need inspo for a chapter. and a chance to write it now this is just going on and on but i will try updating as much as i can i am so so thankful to the people that are reading my story this is my first story that i randomly go the idea for okay okay im done thank you guys so much for reading this i love you all ( platonically ) thank you bye!

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