Chapter 4.

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Naruto and Hiruzen stared in bewilderment at what met their eyes. There were a couple of items that were there. Naruto was surprised at the items that were left for him by his parents being what was left of his parents legacy. There were two envelops, two swords one with black wrapping on it, the other sword with a white wrapping on it, one sheath being for the sword with black wrapping, the other sheath being white for the sword in white wrapping, a small box containing what could maybe be family heirlooms, and a box containing a cloak with a hood attached to it. Naruto in his thoughts "I don't know what to say right now Kurama. All of this stuff my parents left for me to have. Perhaps it's the feelings last night I experienced. The emotions are clouding my judgment right now."

"Don't worry about it, Naruto. Feelings and thoughts such as that never truly fade away. You just learn to live with them. Besides, it happens to the best of them", Kurama reassured.

Naruto noticed how Kurama excluded himself from the "best of them' and rose an eyebrow mentally, "It doesn't happen to you Kurama?"

Kurama arrogantly puffed up his chest and declared, "Of course not! I'm the Nine Tailed Fox, child! A being such as I am is above petty things! And don't you forget that Naruto!"

Naruto ignored the pompous rambling of the fox and turned his attention back to the items. He quickly took them from their place and checked carefully if there was anything left. Seeing he had taken all there was, he closed the portrait. The seals glowed again, signifying the portrait had been locked back.

A sudden thought struck Hiruzen and he had to resist the urge to smack his forehead for what he was about to do. "Why didn't I ask this earlier?! Darn the forgetfulness that comes with this age!"

Hiruzen felt really bad but he had to do thus right now. Tentatively, he placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder, knocking the boy out of his trance. He was gazing at the items as if they were the most precious things in the world to him, which they were.

"Naruto, why weren't you at your room back at my home yesterday in the evening?" he asked as if afraid to find out the answer to that question.

Naruto couldn't help the flinch that the question brought. When he had told grandpa about he found out his parents' identity last night, he had conveniently forgot to mention about why he wasn't home last night. He had hoped that grandpa would not ask him about that.

"It's because of the Nine Tailed Fox inside of me." Hiruzen's eyes widened when he heard those words. Hiruzen in his thoughts "It's my fault that Danzo leaked the information about Naruto possessing the nine tails." "Grandpa. Besides wanting to know the truth about my parents' the villagers kept on calling me a freak, a monster, a demon, a beast, the fox, fox boy and they called me The Nine Nails." Hiruzen lost for words not knowing what to say. "Everyday the villagers kept calling me those names that since I was born and yesterday I wanted to know if I possessed The Nine Tails so I left my room and went to my favorite spot to find out the truth and I communicated with him. His name is Kurama. He's not bad, he's nice, he's just misunderstood by others and he's my friend." Hiruzen calmed down and smiled. Kurama growling "I heard that brat! But then again I really do appreciate your words that you care about me Naruto." Kurama smiles at the end. Hiruzen speaks "I didn't know he has a name and he's nice Naruto." Naruto speaks "He is grandpa."

 Hiruzen speaks "Naruto since you know the truth about Kurama and your family what will you do now? Will you be living in your house that your parents have left for you and reveal your true name? What will you do now, Naruto?"

 Naruto ponders and then answers "I can't live here grandpa. I'm not ready to reveal my true name. Because like you said my dad has made many enemies, especially the Hidden Stone Village and they would want to go after me to eliminate on what's left of my father's legacy. I'm not ready. I need to get strong when I soon reveal my true name. I need to be strong protect my home, my friends, my love ones and the kunoichi of my dreams. I will reveal my name when the time is right grandpa. When the time is right. For right now I want to go live in a apartment until I'm ready to reveal my true name to the world and live here."

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