Chapter 24

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I woke up in a great mood. Bright and early, I could hear the birds singing outside, and a light breeze flowing through the window, making the white curtains dance gently. I sat up slowly, appreciating the way the air filled my lungs as I inhaled deeply, welcoming the morning.

"Klara," I whispered. I couldn't tell if she was awake yet or not. I raised my voice a bit. "Klara, are you awake?" A low groan came from beneath the covers.

"If you have to ask, then I'm sleeping," she mumbled from under the covers. "Come back in two hours. I'll be in service then."

"Don't you want to hear about last night?" I said, tempting her. She sat right up, looking for her glasses.

"Ugh my head hurts." She found them and shoved them on her face, looking expectantly at me, hair sticking up on one side. "Ok, I'm up, now spill."

By the time I finished, she was sitting there with a smug smile on her face.

"I totally called this from the beginning," she said gleefully. "And now my premonitions are coming true. I could totally be a fortune teller or something."

"Sure. You could charge people like $10 for readings. I think that would be the real fortune," I said. I got up, searching through my drawers for an outfit to wear. It was getting hotter and hotter, so I settled on a soft white dress, enjoying the feeling of having my bare legs exposed.

"Do you think you're going to be all PDA now?" Klara was still sitting in bed, having pulled the covers back up to her chin. I paused brushing my hair, giving her a look.

"Definitely not. That would just be weird."

"True, true. It'll be interesting to see."

"Well, you can see it right now, let's go down to breakfast." Walking over to her bed, I tugged the covers down a little.

"We will not be doing this today. Let me go back to sleep or I will cut up all your socks," she said, voice muffled.

"What a very odd thing to say," I commented.

"I swear, I will do it."

"Fine, I'll see you later." I closed the door gently behind me, as she took her glasses off and her head hit the pillow.

Despite it being 8:00am, no one else seemed to be up. Either that, or people had already been circulating around. I ate in silence, enjoying my own company. Even my oatmeal tasted better today than usual. I thought I read somewhere that eating oats lowers your cholesterol or something, so I was even being healthy today too. Or maybe I was wrong – I could never remember obscure little facts like that properly. Maybe I could ask Dr. Khan. But I didn't think he was that kind of doctor. Liam would probably be the one to ask. He loved fun science stuff like that. The dude was like a walking textbook. Just then, Liam walked into the dining room.

"Speak of the devil!" I patted the table across from me, gesturing him to sit. He looked around dramatically before sitting down.

"Speak of the devil? There's no one else here," he said. "Have you started talking to yourself? I didn't think we were that level of crazy yet."

"Ha-ha, very funny. What are you doing up anyways? It seems like everyone is having a lazy morning."

"I thought I would wake up early so I could start studying. I have a midterm soon."

"How studious of you. Don't you get tired of studying?" He paused, mid bite of hash browns, and considered this.

"Sometimes, if I don't keep on track and fall behind. Then there's too much pressure. But I like school, so it never feels completely unbearable." His response struck me as somewhat interesting. I had never felt that way about school, and I didn't think I was ever going to. What if I just wasn't cut out for school? I hadn't thought about their being any other path. I shook the thoughts from my head – too early in the morning to start stressing myself out already.

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