Chapter 4

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It tastes like sticky sweet red wine.

She never knew that the taste of blood was just like drinking refreshing cool water.

Nevertheless, she enjoyed her orchard visit with her stepmom. Lush nature really makes one serene and cheerful and in a soothing mood.

Romaine said that Cyrill wasn't with them because he had a musical invitation from the local orchestra.

It's kind of disappointing for Rozelyn that her stepmom's pup wasn't with them to witness the paradise of the orchard.

Anyway, she's happy for him—what makes Cyrill happy, makes her happy. At least, he's spending time with music again after his departure from England. Music always calms one's soul since the dawn of time.

"That orchard was owned by Maebh Mullin, Rosie."

Her stepmom said while driving their navy blue Sedan.

"You mean the Kim Kardashian of Shamrock?"

Rozelyn mumbled to the woman who raised her.


Rozelyn just rolled her eyes and looked outside the car window. Outside, it began to drizzle softly. The heavenly dark sky was already hovering above them; still adorned with millions of twinkling stars.

"She's a billionaire and a hardworking woman. Though, I admit that she's quite a 'tyrant' when speaking and acting. However, I still commend her status of being a self-made elite," Romaine reasoned in a lengthy manner.

The car suddenly halted in the middle of the road, with only the car's light illuminating the pathway.

Rozelyn frowned and abruptly switched her head to her stepmom.

"Why the hell did you stop?"

Before realization entered her mind, she was already gaping.

There, in the middle, is a creature feasting on the innards of a lifeless stag.

Its golden eyes switched its gaze to them and Rozelyn immediately recognized the identity of the werewolf.


Their dinner was tremendously quiet...again.

Their simple dining resembles a silent graveyard in the midst of a winter night. It looks vaguely awkward for the three of them who's gonna break the quietude. Amusingly, it looks like they're playing a silent game and the winner is the one who can stand to tame their tongue for the entire meal.

The waxing moon shines brightly in the gazebo. As soon as they finished eating, Romaine went outside their house—a signal for the two of them to trail behind.

Their dinner was supposed to be delicious. However, because of the cringy ambience flooding their kitchen dining, they were forced to dine unhappily and somewhat in a sullen manner.

"I guess I'll be the spokesperson tonight," Romaine flatly said while leaning her head in one of the pillars of the gazebo.


Finally, her stepmom's pup has unfastened his mouth.

"Romaine, I guess seeing your wolfy boy here is already enough for a surprise tonight," Rozelyn can no longer hold her tongue—her emotions. She can't believe that she'd been loving a werewolf the entire time. Love does move in a mysterious way after all.

"Rozelyn, please. Calm yourself. You're not the only one who's undergoing self-actualization, all of us are!"

Romaine's sweet but unfazed voice resonates in the backyard garden. Her stepmom's blooming roses and expensive orchids seem to listen to their late night talk.

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