Chapter 1 - The Escape

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It was all black. Only darkness can be seen. That's when everything started getting blurry, everything that he was seeing was lights and feeling something cold on his wrist. He could hear voices that were flowing through his ears, he heard a man's voice and two others.

Agent: "Boss, we got him. We got the specimen that you were searching for."

Boss: "Good, I'll be paying you two with more gold than you'll ever need."

Agent: "Aww, the generosity." he scratch his nape in embarrassment.

Boss: "I will if you stop joking around like a bunch of ten year olds!"

He stopped and they proceed with what they were tasked to do. They threw the specimen into a room, it was all concrete, the corners were curved and there was bunch of lights. Finally, the specimen finally gain his vision again and started hearing speakers being turned on.

Boss: "Oh, sad to see you end up in my hands. Actually, you know how hard it was for me to capture you?!"

The person he was talking to didn't respond.

Boss: "Do you know why I captured you? You're a huge threat to society, you think I'll let some being let loose and destroy humanity? No, I won't. I'm sure you know who I am, Shadow Blakk." he said the name of the boy.

Shadow: "If I'm such a threat, then kill me..."

Boss: "It's not that simple, I know what you're capable of. So that's why I've created this little prison for you that you can't get out of. The walls are 3 meters thick of concrete, and to be sure you stay in I've set up a door that can only be opened with a card and employee scans. Enjoy your stay..." he leaves.

Shadow: "They can't keep me in here forever..."

After their short conversation, the boss was walking down to his office and was stopped by a scientist.

Scientist: "Boss Bloodstone! We have something we need to discuss!" he said quickly.

Scientist: "Boss Bloodstone! We have something we need to discuss!" he said quickly

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Boss: Bloodstone

Bloodstone: "Don't say my name! You refer to me as "Boss," and "Boss" only... What is it?"

Scientist: "I think we might to take this talk in the office." he suggested.

After entering the office, they sat down had a talk.

Bloodstone: "What's wrong? Your experiments are going horrible? You're not getting paid enough? What is it?"

Scientist: "It's none of those! *whispers* though I need more money... There's some reports that people found out our base!"

Bloodstone: "Bunch of tourists or some idiots that think it would be fun to walk around and randomly make a video about something that's strange they found in a forest? I should have known..." he facepalms.

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