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Naturally, Rengoku, Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu were sent to the butterfly mansion after their recent battles against the two demons. Shattered ribs, smashed eye, crushed spirit. Their encounter with an upper moon took a huge toll on them.

Tanjiro's hands shook, as he recalled the events of that night. The upper moon's presence alone was enough to deter you from fighting. Tanjiro remembered seeing Rengoku's sword clash with Akaza's fists at incomprehensible speeds. He remembered his heart racing as he watched from the sides, fearing for the hashira's life, and his own.

What was an upper moon doing there? he thought to himself.

Tanjiro trembled at the idea of losing Rengoku. Someone he looked up to. Someone he saw as an older brother, despite the short amount of time spent together. A brother. He remembered his family, how they were taken away from him. Not again. Not again.

"Hello there!" a voice broke Tanjiro free from his thoughts. He looked up towards the source. It was the girl from that night. The one who saved Rengoku.


"I brought some onigiri for you. Aoi made them. I think you'll like them a lot," she smiled. "Listen, the other guys are worried about you. You haven't said much since you were brought here. Is everything okay?"

Tanjiro gathered the strength in himself and answered with a smile, "Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

He wasn't. And Nomura knew. She knew what it was like to feel useless in life-threatening situations. That was part of being a demon slayer. It was not his fault. Nomura wanted to say all those things but... she didn't.

"Alright... I'll see you around, Tanjiro."

"You too. And thank you for the onigiri, Nomura-san"

Nomura left the room feeling sorry for Tanjiro. The last thing he needed now was for his spirit to be extinguished.

Just then, Nomura saw Rengoku from across the hallway. The flame pillar himself. If anyone could light the fire in Tanjiro's heart, it's him. Nomura approached the hashira, hoping to help Tanjiro.

"Rengoku-san! Hello! You remember me?"

Rengoku flashed a bright smiled.

"Yes! Of course I remember you! You saved my life! I owe you a lifetime of gratitude. And I admire your unique fighting style. A fighter like you could very easily become a pillar under proper training!"

Nomura couldn't help but smile at the compliment.

"Thank you. That means a lot. Um... Rengoku-san, I need your help. Tanjiro is in a state of guilt. He doesn't want to admit it, but it's evident through his behaviour. I need your help in bringing his spirit back."

"Hmm... unfortunately, this happens when you're a demon slayer. But we all have to push through, right? What would you do, Nomura?" he asked.

Nomura didn't expect the question. She never expected her opinion to matter. But she had an idea of what she'd say.

"I would tell him... that it was not his fault. It was something out of your control. And... there is an outcome from such situations. In this situation, you're alive. Now it's your job to make the most of this life. Instead of dwelling on what could have been, focus on what will be. Don't let this life go to waste."

Nomura looked back up at Rengoku, surprised at what she'd said.

"I couldn't have said it better myself," Rengoku replied. "You have the right words, Nomura. Why didn't you tell him that?"

Her eyes dropped to the floor.

"I am... a nobody. My words have no value. I'll only make things worse."

Rengoku couldn't help but feel sorry for her. The fire in her heart seemed to have been long extinguished. The light in her eyes were lost. What happened to her? Rengoku decided not to push. He chose his next words carefully.

"No," he said firmly. "If you are feeling disheartened, that you are somehow not enough, set your heart ablaze. No one is worth nothing. Like I said, you have the right words. And right now, that's all that matters."

Nomura only then realised that her hands were gripped in his.

"You can do it!" he exclaimed as he squeezed them lightly.

Nomura felt a rush deep inside her. Like she could do anything. She felt alive again.

As she left to talk to Tanjiro, she held her hands close to her chest. She felt a spark in her heart, a smile on her face, and in her stomach, butterflies.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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