Your Sweet Secret Admirer

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Shawn Mendes x Reader - Your Sweet Secret Admirer

Requested by a friend!
Reader's POV


"Ugh.... Why? Why must you wake me up every morning Mr. Alarm Clock?" You mumbled, knowing you won't get a reply from the said alarm clock.

You walk towards your bathroom to freshen up yourself. As you tame your bed head, you look through your closet, wondering what to wear for the day.


After breakfast, you put on your shoes and walk out of the door with a spring in your step, excited to see your best friend, Shawn!

Shawn's POV

Oh better hurry up before she comes! I sprinted towards (Y/N)'s locker and slipped a small letter into the small slits of the locker and quickly absconded to homeroom.

Back to your POV

You walk through the halls full of students rushing to their homerooms. You reach your locker and unlock it, finding a small note on your textbooks. Curious, you pick it up and skim through the words on the note.

Dear (Y/N),

You are so beautiful... I wish I had the courage to tell you but I can't ... So I've decided... I'll just tell you by the note...

~ Your secret admirer

As you read, you walk towards your homeroom, blushing bright red. You slipped the note into your bag and walk into the class. You spot Shawn and sit next to him, smiling brightly.

"You seem happy," Shawn stated, amused.

"Yeah... I have another letter from my secret admirer!" You exclaimed dreamily. "I just wished he would get the guts to tell me... I want to know him. He seems sweet.."

Shawn stayed silent for a while, looking down at his lap. "Hey (Y/N)..."

"A-And we- yes?" You look at him expectantly.

"Y-You see... Wow this is hard um.. " Shawn stutters nervously.

"Don't be nervous, spit it out!" You encouraged him

"(Y/N) I like you... I-I have ever since I've met you... I- ... I know you wo-" You silenced Shawn by putting your index finger on his lips.

"You... You are my secret adm-mirer?" (Y/N) gasped out, surprised that her long-time crush returned her feelings.

"Y-yes..." Shawn sputtered.

(Y/N) leaned forward and pecked him on his lips. "What if I told you I returned the feeling?"

Shawn gawked at you for a second and engulfed you in a tight hug. "Aha! Finally! So um... Wi-will you be my... Girlfriend?" He stuttered, anxiously rubbing his neck.

"Of course!" (Y/N) said and the whole class cheered.

Let's just say that (Y/N) and Shawn lived happily every after... -wink wink-


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