(Fluff) Trying pt.2

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It's what you've all been waiting for! (and requesting non-stop- XD) The second part of the "trying" Oneshot! This is a Canon second part to the "trying" oneshot, but can still be read on it's own and make sense.

There will be a part three posted next Wednesday, please tell me in the comments if you're interested in this being a regularly continued series!

I do hope you enjoy you fluffy little beans!

Cross sighed softly, leaning back against the headboard. It'd been two weeks now since they'd first seen their little one's glow. He wondered how they'd tell everyone about the little souling... Dust would most likely congratulate them and ask about how Cross had been holding up through it.

Killer would probably congratulate them both and then start making bottom jokes in Cross' general direction about two minutes later, and Cross was fully and completely prepared to resort to insulting the fact that Killer was Dream's bitch if he had to.

Normally Cross wouldn't stoop so low, he'd just stab him for pulling shit like that with him of all people. But Nighty said no knives, so he'd settle for insulting Killer until he shut up or threatening to call Dream to talk about his badmouthing habit. Horror would probably get excited about having another little mouth to feed, and then ask him to tell him if there was ever anything specific he wanted to have for a meal. Lust would probably be excited for them both, and then offer to be the cool gay uncle. Cross snickered a little at the thought.

Dream would probably kill Nightmare with the amount of excitement he'd give off. And Ink's artificial emotions had always made Nightmare feel sick, so he probably wouldn't want to come along to tell Ink, but would most likely insist on coming along anyway because he's become... Quite... overprotective... To say the least. And Error already knew about the souling because he came by the castle a few days ago, and he just so happened to have his glasses on.

He took one glance at Cross, stood still for a solid 30 seconds in confusion and proceeded to realize and then tell them both congratulations... Cross couldn't believe he forgot something so important, Error reads code. He saw the souling's code in Cross' and damn near missed it because it just looked like Cross' code for a moment, but then he'd realized it was a combination of Nightmare and Cross' soul code. and of course that was enough to tell him what was going on pretty quick.

He said he wouldn't tell anyone until they wanted, probably because he knows how stressful it is to tell everyone about stuff like this. Cross was glad he understood, but laughed a little now over how he managed to overlook such an important thing. Cross sighed, he couldn't bring his overtired mind to think about things anymore... Nightmare had gone to give out missions just a while ago and Cross had just stayed in bed.

He felt an uncomfortable nausea, and though he hadn't at all thrown up yet, it was enough to keep him in bed. The souling was almost fully shaped now, though it was difficult to tell through the blurring of his ecto. They were still very small though, their soul would only be full sized by about the end of the first trimester. Right now his ecto still looked the same, from what he'd read so far, he'd only start clearly showing by about the three month mark.So they had a while to work out how they were going to tell everyone.

Of course Sci already knew, they had an appointment with him every two weeks to make sure everything was going well with the souling. And to make sure his magic levels were okay, and that Nightmare was doing enough to keep them high enough. See, pregnancy in skeletons is very tough on magic levels because the souling absorbed the carrier's magic to develop. That meant no magic attacks, and lots of magic sharing. When a skeleton is pregnant, the souling or soulings grow and develop further by absorbing the carrier's magic. that's why skeletons get so particularly tired throughout pregnancy.

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