Thank you so much!

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We just hit 20 fucking K! We did it people! My Peter Pan book has hit 20K! I wanna thank you guys for reading this book and the others as well, I love you guys, I'm sorry I'm not posting as much. My other account has been deleted so I can't make any announcements about more books coming up. I do wanna finish this book for you guys as I do have a friend of mine that posted a new Book that's about the stereotype Y/N from years back. If you remember... you know what I'm talking about.

Long Blonde hair, messing bun, quick outfit, hideous dresses, being short as FuCk, tall muscular dudes, being a complete helpless weakling, crying all the time like Midoriya but worse, sing Fight Song out of no where like a Disney Princess, always bullied, parents died at young age, parents that ARE alive but hate her, being female(there's not enough completed male reader stories out there!), Harry Styles, One Direction, being a walking love potion, the plot that's rockier than the Rocky Mt., OP, and being an overall annoyance to the readers as THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE THE, IN THE STORY!

Sorry, I got out of control. Anyways, the book we are writing is making fun of that with a warning saying that we don't want to offend those who made those book but are making fun of the Stereotypical Y/N for shits and giggles. You can follow them storyfromafriend

Go check it out and there is a Cars x reader series as we're making our way to the third movie since a lot of people asked for it. I love you guys so much stay safe and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me and keep updated on the next book since Wattpad Doesn't won't let me announce things.

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