55 | she

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she fought.
fought back against him,
fought against his smothering hands
his heavy body
his invasive touch.

she cried.
cried for him to stop
cried for someone, anyone to help her
for the pain to end
for the humiliation to cease.

she stared.
stared at herself in the mirror
stared at her smeared mascara
her bruised neck
her exposed skin.

she froze.
froze into silence
froze into a shell of herself
into someone unrecognizable
into a ghost plagued by nightmares
and blind panic.


words: 83
🎵 - i hope ur miserable until ur dead - nessa barrett


a note:
if you have ever faced any kind of sexual assault, let me be clear: i am here for you. i have stood where you are standing. i promise you are not alone in your fight.

if you have ever sexually assaulted anyone in any manner, let me be clear: you are the worst kind of person and you deserve to burn. you do not ever have the right to steal anyone's dignity and their vibrance away from them. fuck you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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