Cheers to the Squirrel

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"Guys, we are not supposed to be up here!"

"Come on, Sammy! Live a little!"

"Dean's the only one allowed to call me that. . ."

"Oh, whatever. . ."

Sam, Dean, Charlie, and Gabriel had climbed onto the roof of their hotel, surprisingly without getting caught. Gabriel had gotten some Jägermeister and shot glasses as well. They had done this same thing about two years ago at Charlie's bachelorette party, same city, same hotel, same way to and from the roof. Dean remembered him and Cas making out on Charlie's hotel bed, and she beat them with one of her foam swords and a loaf of bread for it. Sam still had that video footage on his phone and posted it on social media, but Dean doesn't need to know that.

Gabriel poured the drinks and brought them over to the others. "Well, well, well!" he began, handing each person their glass, "No Jo, no Cas, none of my family, nobody is here to keep us on leashes, guys! I'd be lying if I said I ain't a little bit scared of what we'll be up to tonight, but fuck it! Because, this is for you, Dean-o. I am forever in debt to you."

Sam and Charlie exchanged confused glances. Normally Gabriel and Dean were at each other's throats 24/7. They were both extremely surprised when Dean said he was coming along, and no fights were picked on the way there at all. Now Gabriel's saying he owes Dean? That's. . . not natural. . .

Sam and Charlie finished their telepathic freak outs as Gabe continued. "It's no secret that the Novaks aren't picture perfect. Hell, my brother is named after the devil himself, for crying out loud! And. . . during those times. . . I chickened out. I ran away. I should have been there for Cassie, but I wasn't. While Castiel's world was crashing down around him, you were the only thing that was constantly there for him, whenever he needed you. You were the only one he trusted, the only one he could trust. Now, I'm hard on you and give you a lot of shit, but that's because it was my duty to protect him from our family, not yours." Gabriel was starting to tear up, and nobody dared to move a muscle or say a word.

"What I'm trying to say is, without you, I don't think Cas would be here today. You saved my little brother, Dean Winchester. And for that. . ." Gabe lifted his glass, "I owe you a lot, starting with making this a kickass bachelor party! Cheers to the squirrel!!!"

Dean smiled brightly and raised his glass to the sky, followed by Sam and Charlie.

"Cheers to the squirrel!"

And that, my friends, was the start of the night they would never forget. . .

. . .or will they?

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