Time To Look For Dean!

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"He wasn't at the pool," Sam reported. The three of them had agreed to scatter across their huge hotel and meet at the breakfast area to share their findings.

Sam sat down as Charlie spoke. "Not in the fitness center or the bar either. Gabe?"

"Looked up and down the lobby and parking lot. Nothing." Gabriel responded, taking a sip of water.

Sam put his elbows on the table and hid his face in his hands. "Uuuuggghhhh, Cas is gonna kill us!"

"Pfft," Charlie retorted, rolling her eyes, "We wish. If Cas finds out about this. . ." More and more panic rose from her voice, "Killing us would be showing mercy."

"Man, I wish you were joking, Char." Gabriel looked over at Sam, who was low-key having a panic attack. Them he noticed something. "Uh, Sammoose?"

"What!?" Sam snapped, uncovering his face.

"What's on your wrist?" Gabriel noticed some sort of wristband that he didn't remember Sam having yesterday afternoon.

Sam noticed it too, and rolled up his sleeves. His eyes widened.

"I was at the hospital last night." Sam choked out.

A small smile started to form on Charlie's face. "Great! Now we just have to go the hospital and ask the healthcare workers for info on what happened last night!"

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan. . . I guess," Sam responded, a bit hesitant.

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "If you have a better idea, Samantha, I'm all ears."

Sam opened his mouth to say something, but bit back the words. "You're right, this is the best we've got."

Charlie grabbed her bag and got out of her chair, Sam and Gabriel following.

"Wait, but what do we do with the moose in our hotel room?" Sam questioned.

Gabe shrugged. "Leave it to housekeeping?"

"Are you crazy?! We can't just-" Sam cut himself off. Right now, his number one priority was finding his brother before he invokes Castiel's wrath.


"Well, at least the Impala is still intact," Charlie observed as they drove up to the hospital. Sam pulled near the entrance and looked around, hoping to see any sight of Dean. Nothing.

They walked into the hospital lobby/waiting room and split up. Gabe and Charlie searched the waiting room for literally anything useful, while Sam questioned the receptionist.

"Um, ma'am?"

She didn't look up from her computer. "You have an appointment?"

"I, no, but-"

"I'm kind of busy right now, so if you don't have an appointment-"

"I just have some questions about last night." Sam showed her his wristband.

The receptionist finally looked up at Sam and froze.

She raised an eyebrow. "You seriously don't remember?" Sam shook his head. She bit her lip and grabbed the phone, dialing a number. Now Sam was scared. What the hell happened here last night?

Charlie and Gabriel walked up to him. "Nothing out of the ordinary," Charlie reported. "You?"

The receptionist glanced at them as she spoke into the phone. "Dr. Lafitte? Are you busy? You have visitors. Uh-huh. Alright, I'll send them your way." She hung up the phone. "Room 217. Elevator is down that hallway." She pointed down the right hall.

"Thank you," Sam replied nervously and began walking towards the elevator, Gabe and Charlie following.

"Dr. Lafitte must have been the one taking care of your ass last night," Gabriel guessed.

Charlie looked up. "Lafitte. . . where have I heard that name before?"

Gabe's eyes widened. "So you do remember something about last night?"

"No, before last night. I think a few days ago Dean brought up someone with the last name Lafitte."

They finally made it to the elevator. Gabriel pushed the button and they hopped on. "Hmm. . . maybe."

"Maybe Dean is here. . ." Sam thought out loud, then started to panic, "Oh no, what if he's hurt?! Or in a coma?! What if he needs surgery?! What if he's DEAD?!!? What if-"

His ramble was greeted by a light smack to the face from Gabriel. "Sam, look at me," he demanded, gripping Sam's massive shoulders, "We don't know any of that for certain. Hell, we don't know if your brother's even here! This Dr. Lafitte guy is the best shot we got at finding Dean before my brother kills us, and finding out what happened last night. We can't afford to have you have a panic attack right now, alright? We're gonna find him, and the wedding's gonna be amazing, and everything will be fan-fucking-tastic as long as you stay calm, alright?"

Sam took a couple deep, shaky breaths as the elevator stopped and Charlie took the lead to room 217.

"Better now?" Gabriel questioned. Sam just nodded, and the trickster let go of him.

"Ahem?" Sam and Gabriel turned to look at Charlie, who suddenly stopped. She pointed to a room that said 217. "We're here," she informed.

Sam stepped into the lead and opened the door. A sleeping woman was laying on the hospital bed with someone in a white lab coat drawing a blood sample.

"Hey!" Gabriel greeted, "You Dr. Latté?"

The lab coat guy turned around and smiled. "Hey, guys! Whatcha doing here?"

Sam was sure he knew the guy, but his headache was keeping him from remembering his name.

"Benny?" Charlie exclaimed, smiling, "I didn't know you were a doctor!"

Benny laughed. "Doctor, me? Nah, I just collect and run blood tests. So, where's the future groom?" He looked behind them, seeing if he could find Dean.

Gabriel sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Well, you see Dr. Latté, we were wondering if. . . maybe you could tell us that?"

Benny's eyes flew open. "Did you guys loose him?"

Sam showed his hospital wristband. "Actually, we also lost our memory, could you mind filling us in on what happened last night?"

"Oh shit," Benny muttered, glancing away from them.

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Okay, now I'm worried, what happened?"

"Well, I wasn't around for long, but when I was with you, phew, you'll wanna sit down for this. . ."

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