He's Back

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"Wilmer?" I said to myself. Not this again. I didn't even tell him about Stella. I'm screwed. Well, I just have to go with it. He'll probably hate me. Who cares? She's my child. I have to love my child, even though she probably doesn't love me as I thought she would.

"Let me guess: your boyfriend?" Stella started.

"Husband. He's my husband." I responded.

"Oh Yeah. I wasn't invited so I didn't know." She responded. It's true. She really wasn't. And I'm being honest. I really never saw her in my life, that's because as you can see: I just blocked her with Maddie. I'm not saying that I don't love Maddie, I just needed to forget about Stella. She was part of my past. My horrible past. But, now I understand that she won't forgive me, but hopefully in future she will.

"I know and I'm sorry."

"I don't care. Just, go see your husband. I'll be outside."

"No. You're not. You are gonna come in with me and I'm gonna introduce you to him. Come on."

"Do I really have too?"

"Yes. Now come on." I turned off my car and got out. We both walked towards my door to hear Wilmer as usual: loud and drunk.

"Uh Demi?"

"Shut up Stella for two seconds."

"Gosh. Just go in. You're not scare of him right?"

"Stella I told you to shut up. So Shut Up!"

"Por Dios."

We went inside and went towards my room. Ignoring Wilmer's rampage on whatever he's yelling at. Well, he's drunk so?


"Crap. Go into your room."

"Nah chick. I wanna see what's gonna happen."

"Stella. Go the heck upstairs."

She finally gave in and went upstairs locking her door. Well here goes nothing.

"Yeah baby?"

"Come here."

I walked towards him as his drunken self gets up.

"Where were you?"


"With who?"



*sigh. "My daughter."

He gets up and walk towards our room.

Hopefully he'll get a hangover and forget about everything that happened.

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