Secret Admirer|part 7

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Kageyama was in shock, he couldn't move and all he could say was stutters "I- you- k-kiss." Tsuki got up and left "I'm going to sleep, see you in the morning." He acted like he didn't just kiss Kags, kageyama couldn't sleep all night because he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss.

"D-do I like Tsukishima?" He thought, "Wait- what the hell am I thinking, of course I don't like that salty dinosaur!" He said quietly. He eventually fell asleep on the couch.

Next morning...

When he woke up he could smell something delicious, he got up and went to check what it was. Tsukishima was making pancakes and waffles (I personally like choc-chip waffles the best.) "Good morning!" Kags said while yawning, he looked to cute!! "Fuck." Tsukishima said while staring at Kageyamas adorable face 🥺.

Yamaguchi and Hinata where out on a date that would go on for the rest of the day so, Kags and Tsuki had the place to themselves. They say down and watched a couple of movies and ate snacks. It was Tsukishima turn to pick a movie and he decided to choose a horror movie.

*Jump scare appears on the movie* "Ahhhh" the setter screamed and jumped into the blockers arms. It took a while for kageyama to realise what he did and they both went silent and looked at each other in the eyes.

Then kageyama realised something, "could it be true..." He thought.

Part 8 coming soon.
Idk if this makes sense
Have a good night/day!

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