chapter one

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Katniss's POV

I woke up with Peeta's arms around me. I laid in his bed watching him sleep. As I was doing that, I noticed him tense up. Is it a nightmare? Or is it an attack? I put one foot on the floor in case I have to run from him. His eyes opened and he looked at me. "Nightmare or something else?" I asked. He closed his eyes for a second. "Nightmare." He said. I started to relax but not enough to let my guard down. "You tensed up so I was curious. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. "My mom stopped me from giving you the bread and you died outside the bakery. Then my mom hit me for even trying to save you. Said no one would miss you." He said. "Well she's wrong. You definitely would've missed me." I said. Peeta smiled a little.

Then I noticed that his eyes were a bit cloudy. He closed his eyes and started breathing heavy. Taking a huge risk, I slowly moved towards him. He opened his eyes and his eyes were back to their blue color. "Sorry about that. I hate talking about my mom." He said. He saw my face. "Did I scare you?" He asked. I nodded. "Don't worry. I can recognize if I start to get... Well you know. Don't be afraid to leave me for a while if I have one." Peeta said.

We walked downstairs. When we got to the living room, the TV turned on with the Capitol seal showing. We focused our attention to the TV. After the anthem, Paylor appeared on the screen. "Citizens. This is your president speaking. I have a few important announcements for you guys and today, I will be telling you what they are." She began. She looked at a sheet of paper in front of her. "First order of business. The Capitol train will travel to each district. In order to board the train you must buy a ticket. Every so often someone will check to make sure you have it. If you don't follow the rules on the train, you will not be allowed to ride it for 2 weeks." She began. She said a few more quick announcements but the last two caught my attention. The first one was about the fence surrounding district 12. They were going to send a construction crew to district 12 and replace the fence with a normal non-electric fence with a gate. The second one was that they were going to make the mockingjay the official bird of Panem. After she finished speaking, the seal returned. After the anthem played again, the TV shut off. For awhile, Peeta and I looked at each other. Before either one of us can say anything, my stomach growled. Peeta laughed. "Sounds like I should make breakfast." He said. "And some of your super delicious cheesebuns?" I asked. Peeta laughed again and then kissed me. "Coming right up."

About an hour later, I was sitting at the table eating breakfast, saving the plate of cheesebuns for last. Peeta was pretty quiet. "Are you alright?" I asked him. "I want it to be official. You and I. We don't have to tell the cameras right away but I want to be in a real relationship with you. No acting like we're in love to keep people quiet. No fake engagement. None of that. Just us as boyfriend and girlfriend. We'll tell people when we want to. Do things at our own pace. So what do you say? Katniss Everdeen, will you be my girlfriend?"

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. This is the first hunger games story I've ever written

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