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potentially triggering material: talks of deaths and getting shot

Cami woke up in a cold sweat and hyperventilating. her vision blurry from the tears coating her eyes. "i thought i was passed this", she thought to herself. it took everything in her to not break down and cry.

i was chasing the unsub through the woods. "Marley Jones stop running." she started to outrun me and i lost her. "shit" i wasn't sure where she went so i stopped running and looked around for her. i told the team on my comm that i had lost her. Emily told me to come back to where everybody was. as i was walking back i felt something hit me over the head and everything went black. when i woke up it was dark and i was tied to a chair. i tried to scream but i realized that my mouth was duct taped. "it's about time you're awake. you've been out for hours". i tried pulling against the ropes but it hurt my wrists. Marley laughed in a mocking tone at the weak attempt to free myself. "you can try all you want, but you aren't getting out of here alive." she said.
she ripped the tape off of my mouth and i screamed and pulled against the ropes.
"you really aren't the brightest are you? nobody can hear you down here and by the time someone finds you you'll be long gone."
some tears started to steam down my face as i thought i about my friends and everything i didn't get to do. she walked over to me and whipped the tears from my cheeks. "aww don't cry i'll make this as quick as possibly." with that she took out the gun and right before she pulls the trigger i wake up.

Cami's Pov

i started having this dream right after i was shot by Marley while we were on an undercover operation. that was almost a year ago but since we didn't catch her before, she started killing again recently. we've been trying to catch her for a month but we don't have any new leads on the case. sadly we had to wait for her to kill again. the dreams stopped happening about 6 months ago and i guess the recent killings triggered it again.
"i just want a good nights sleep ughhh". i went downstairs to get some water. since i probably wouldn't be able to go back to sleep and i had to get up in an hour to get ready for work i decided watched some tv.
i watched an episode of glee before i went to go shower and get ready for the day.
we don't have a case today so we we're probably going to do paperwork all day until it's time to go home. which is fine because i don't really feel up for a lot of work today.

on my way to work i stopped at Starbucks to get coffee for me and the team. i got an iced vanilla latte for myself and regular coffees for the others.

when i walked in the office i saw Emily and smiled at her before going around to give everyone their coffee.
"long night cam?" Derek asked with a smirk. i shot him back a dirty look and he put his hands up in surrender. "i don't look that bad do i?" i thought to myself.
they all thanked me for the coffee and i went to my desk. i had a stack of papers a mile high to get through. i groaned and got to work.

at around 12 i went up to Emily's office before i left for lunch.
"hey em"

"hey cam, what's up?"

"i'm about to go to lunch. and was wondering if you wanted anything"

"i'm good. thanks for asking though"
ever since i joined the team i've always been the closest to Emily. she was the first person i talked to and we've been friends ever since. i might've developed a small crush on her over the years, but how could you not she's the most gorgeous person i've ever seen. she's probably not interested in me though or girls for that matter. shes never expressed interest in anybody so i'm not sure who she likes. if she did like me she's pretty good at hiding it.

i got a sandwich and juice from a cafe not to far from the bau and walked back. when i got back i ate and did some more work.

i finished working at around 6 and packed everything up to head home. i walked up to Emily's before i left. "hey em. do you want to come over after you finish working?"

"i'd love too. i have a bit more to finish up here so i'll just come by when i'm done"

"sounds good see you later". with that i went to my car and drove home. when i got home i took out some wine for later and turned on the tv. i watched 1 and half more episodes of glee before i heard Emily's soft knock at the door. i got up to open the door but hit my foot on the wall before i could get there. i cursed rather loudly and kept walking. when i opened the door, Emily smiled at me then had a confused look on her face. i smiled back at her "i stubbed my toe."
"ahh" she said as she nodded her head. i moved out of the way so she could come in.
i headed to the kitchen and poured her a glass of wine. i brought it back to the couch and we continued to watch tv.
"hey are you okay? you looked a little off at work today" she asked me. " yeah i'm fine i just didn't get much sleep last night. bad dream"
"you wanna talk about it"

"it's nothing. just the same dream from before."

"again. that really sucks i'm sorry cam"

"eh it's not your fault. you aren't the one who shot me" i let out a small laugh. why'd i say that. ugh i'm so dumb.
"you know you can always call me right. it doesn't matter the time of day or night." she said. it looked like she was staring into my soul with how hard she was looking at me.
my cheeks started to get red and i just wanted to lean in and kiss her but that would be inappropriate since she's my boss. i looked away so i didn't do something i'd regret, and i could see out of the corner of my eye her silently cursing at herself.
we watched tv for about 15 more minutes before we got ready to go to bed. she got in the shower first. as i waited for her to finish i did some reading.
she got out 20 minutes later and got dressed. i got my stuff ready and got in. in the shower i couldn't help but think about why she was staring at me so hard earlier. it was probably nothing.
when i got out of the shower Emily was already in bed and she looked so pretty. the way her hair fell over her shoulders and everytime it would get in her face she would push it behind her ear.
i'm not sure how long i was staring at her but all i heard was her yell my name and i snapped out of the trance she put me in. "yeah sorry"
"you were staring pretty hard. do i have something on my face" she joked. my face started to get hot as i stood there embarrassed.
i got in the bed plugged my phone in and set my alarm for 5:45. i turned to face towards Emily but her back was towards me until she turned. she opened her mouth like she was about to say something but didn't. "what we're you about to say?"
"nothing it's not important"

"okay. night em"

"night cam"

Emily's Pov

i was about to fall asleep when i heard Cami mumbling no over and over. her head kept turning back and forth and her pleading got louder until she screamed and woke up. she had tears streaming down her face and a panicked look. "hey. you're okay. what happened?" she couldn't form words she was crying so hard.
" i- you." she tried saying but she cried even harder. " i'm here. you don't have to tell me what happened yet." i held her as she calmed down. i felt her breathing steady eventually as she fell back asleep. tears were still falling though. it hurt me to see her so upset. i tried to go back to sleep but i couldn't stop thinking about cam. why did she say "you" when she was trying to tell me about the dream. whenever she would tell about what happened in the dream it was always the same and she never mentioned me. i'll ask her about it in the morning.

hey y'all this is probably really bad but feel free to leave feedback in the comments. i'll try to upload on a regular schedule but i'm starting classes soon so idk. anyway i love y'all and thank you for reading.

Word Count: 1559

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