Chapter One

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"The thirteenth clinical cases conducted in the United States proved the safety of Coisanic the main ingredient of RDU-90. The clinical study shows that Coisanic is highly effective in the treatment of severe pain with minimal risks to safety. It has succesfully completed all clinical trials in France, Germany and The Netherlands in 2019."

The American voice from the TV died down and the female lawyer, Hong Cha Young, stood to her feet holding up her papers. Both Hong Ha-Yun and the two sibling's father Mr Hong were all sat in the court room with Hong Ha-Yun (the youngest in the family) being sat within the crowd although she had front row tickets. In front Mr Hong sat on one desk and the eldest daughter being on the other side.

Ha-Yun felt nothing but the blood bath that was soon to come although she'd confess the pressure of the court was bringing forward a new headache. She could only be thankful she was not the one arguing the case and thankful that she'd never have to.

"The claim that participants died from side effects of the drug is unfounded as are the plaintiff's accusation shared with the press-"

Mr Hong quickly interrupted, "all victims died of myocardinal infarction and none of them had an underlying risk."

"Pulmonary edema, arrhythmia, and low blood pressure. It's all right here in the medical reports," all three of them knew the reports were fake. Anyone with a brain knew the reports were fake.

"Those are the patient histories, not the victim's medical reports," Mr Hong countered. "They showed signs of an overdose. The paramedics that were on the scene corroborated it."

"Paramedics are remarkably skilled professionals, but they are not licensed doctors."

"Your Honour, this transcript is from the original statement of the participant," Mr Hong called out holding up his own papers and Ha-Yun from the background only took in a breath knowing that they weren't going to win this case. You could always tell the moment you walked in; the judge had probably been bribed. "Babel has since then coerced him into changing his statement with the intent of intimidating-"

"Your Honour, if I may? The participant has retracted his statement. He confessed to perjury about an hour ago. The interrogation report. The witness planned to extort money from Babel Pharm through the plaintiff's council. But his plan's changed when his conscience got the better of him."

"Your Honour. There's no proof of perjury. The original transcript was sworn under oath. It should be heard."

"The court cannot continue until the perjury charge has been determined," the judge declared. "We will reconvene in this courtroom in one week. That is all. The court is adjourned."

Mr Hong slammed his bag down onto the ground in the corner of the parking lot and with a sigh, Ha-Yun tucked her hands into her pocket, "what are we going to do now? You won't have a case without a witness," she reminded and his shoulders deflated already knowing that was the truth.

Due to the fact they were in court she was wearing semi-formal clothes. She hated blazers. The way they felt on the skin was all wrong to her so instead she wore a light brown nudish cashmere jumper that was loosely tucked into a pair of off-white ever so slightly flared high-waisted trousers. She had a pair of nude heels on and a beige fashionably oversized woollen coat that fell down to the back of her knees. Other than her fringe, the rest of her hair was placed in a bun on the back of her head and she of course accessorised with some golden minimalistic jewellery just to add a little something to the outfit.

"It was all coercion," he spat and she nodded already knowing that to be the truth.

Cha-Young walked over, "give me a cigarette," their father ordered.

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