05 | workshop

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The halloween dance is coming up fast, and you're even more excited now that you have a costume. You tried talking Daniel into just buying a spider man costume or whatever, but he's obviously still mad at you.

   You're all in the gym, putting up the last decorations for the dance. Johnny's working on the table behind yours, along with the other Cobra Kais. You try to not look over there, because every time you do - your eyes meet, and you lose focus.

You're working with Ali, Susan and Barbara, and you're working on blowing up balloons.

«You know, senior year is already kicking my butt,» Susan says as she blows up another balloon. «And that is without you forcing me to leave my DNA all over these balloons.» She glares at Ali.

«Why do you care about DNA, are you a serial killer?» Ali scoffs. «No, but someone could easily frame me as one!» Susan explains.

You can't help but to laugh. «She's actually got a point.» Ali sighs and turns to Susan. «You're lucky the DNA profiling isn't that advanced yet, then.»

You look behind you, and see Daniel standing in the entrance. You wave him over, but he shakes his head and nods to the Cobra Kais. You sigh as Daniel closes the door and leaves.

You plan to go after him to see if he's okay, but Ali stops you. «I'll check on him,» she says with a smile, and jogs through the door.

«I still don't get what she sees in him,» Susan says as she moves on to painting a big banner that says 'HALLOWEEN DANCE OF '84'.

«He's a great guy,» you say and pick up a paint brush. «Mhm,» Susan grunts. «I'll take your word for it.» You roll your eyes and start filling in the 4 on the banner.

But just as your paint brush meets the canvas, the whole can of paint is spilled over the bannner, and all over your hands.

«Oh, I am so sorry!» You look up and see Johnny standing there with red paint on his fingers, like a busted child. «That was completely an accident,» he says with a smirk.

«You're such a tool, Johnny!» Barbara exclaims in a groan. «It was an accident!» Johnny says and throws his hands up in defense. You can hear his friends snickering from the other table.

«You realise we have to be here for another hour now, right?» You say in irritation. Johnny fakes a frown. «Aw,» he says, then he leans in so only you can hear. «That was the plan, cupcake.»

He winks as you, just as you pick up the paint brush and flick it at him; leaving a trail of red paint across his face. «Yes!» Barbara exclaims and claps her hands, even a few of the Cobra Kais cheers you on.

Johnny runs a hand across his face, smudging the paint and making it all worse. He bites his lip and smirks at you. Then he picks up a brush and flicks it at you as well.

You squint as the cold, thick substance meets your skin. You open your eyes to see Johnny biting his tongue; waiting for your next move. Susan and Barbara joins your side, both with a paint brush in their hands.

«Paint fight!» Tommy exclaims in a childish voice, and all the Cobra Kais start splattering paint everywhere. The three of you fight back, and soon enough, everyone in the gym is rooting for the fight.

You point your paintbrush at Johnny, and step closer to wipe it in his face. You feel your foot sliding, and look down to see you've stepped in a puddle of paint. You lose your balance, and on impulse you grab a hold of Johnny's shoulders to avoid from falling to the ground.

Your noses almost touch. You can feel his his quick breath on your skin. «Falling for me?» He says with a smirk. And you know he's talking about it literally, but you're scared that you might be falling for him emotionally as well.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐓 - 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑳𝒂𝒘𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now