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[The first song has obviously been adapted for Florie]

Florie glanced at her cousin and said, "I'm gonna find Jack."

Katherine nodded. "Be careful, Florie. I'll cover for you."


Florie ran from the mansion to the Lodging House.

Specs saw her walking up and said, "Hey Florie. Whose ya here for?"

"Jack," she replied. "Have you seen him?"

"No, but when he comes back, he'll probably go to his penthouse."

"Uh, which is where?"

He smiled and led her up the fire escape. "Just wait here. He'll come by sooner or later."

"Thanks, Specs."

Specs tipped his hat. "My pleasure. Good luck."


As Florie waited for Jack to return, she noticed a circular container. She grabbed it and opened it.

Slowly, she pulled out pictures depicting a horror she'd never seen.

Jack returned to his penthouse and saw Florie looking through his drawings. He yanked them away and asked angrily, "How'd you get up here?

"Specs showed me," Florie replied.

"Said you could go through my stuff?"

"I saw them rolled up sticking out of there, I didn't know what they were. These are drawings of the refuge, aren't they? Is that really what it's like in there? Three boys to a bed, rats everywhere and vermin?"

"Oh, a little different from where you were raised."

"Snyder told my uncle you were arrested stealing food and clothing. This is why, isn't it? You stole to feed those boys. I don't understand! If you were willing to go to jail for those boys, how can you turn your back on them now?"

"Oh, you are not one to be talkin' about turnin' on folks."

"Well I never turned on you or anyone else! Neither did my cousin."

"No, you just double-crossed us to your uncle, your uncle."

"My uncle has eyes on every corner of this city! He doesn't need me or Katherine spying for him, and I never lied. I didn't tell you everything..."

"Oh, if you weren't a girl, you'd be tryin' to talk with a fist in your mouth!"

"I told you Katherine and I worked for the Sun, and we did. I told you my professional name is Reading and hers is Plumber, and they are. You never asked our real ones."

"I wouldn't think I had to, unless I knew I was dealing with a couple backstabbers!"

Florie glared at him. "And if I was a boy, you'd be looking at me through one swollen eye!"

"Well don't let that stop you, give me your best shot. Huh?" Instead of punching him, she kissed him. Jack's voice cracked and leapt up a couple octaves. "What?"

"I needed to know you didn't cave for the money."

"...I spoke the truth. Look, you win a fight when you got the other fella down, eaten pavement. You heard your uncle, it don't matter how many days we strike, he ain't never giving up. I don't know what else we can do."

"No, but I do."

"Come on..."

"Really, Jack? Really. Only you can have a good idea? Or is it because I'm a girl?"

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