Silver Sky

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Stars of love that shined

in your eyes have dived

in the dark night; we find

ourselves, walking down

the memory lane, all pain

washed down in the rain,

can't remain, you know

We got no tomorrow

Only sorrow, just hope

to cope with darkness

The night is starless

but you never know

Clouds may drift away

Hope keeps us alive

to see another day

So tonight, we spray

the stars back on

the silver sky above!

Our stars of love!

They are meant to shine

They're yours and mine

Let's keep it this way

The stars must stay

in our eyes, otherwise

they will float away

in darkness, Lets hold

our hands again, all pain

will end, twinkling gold

shall remain uphold

on the silver sky above

Shine, our stars of love!


Hey guys! Hope you're all fine! I want to tell you that Silver Sky marks the end of this book, which was my first attempt at English poetry. I hope it was worth your time. It was totally worth mine, lol!
Anyway, thanks a lot for your support all the way. It kept me going much longer than I had expected. Thanks again, fellas. Stay blessed!

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