Chapter 1 the ruins

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Normal = talking 

Italics = thoughts 

Underlined = 3rd person 




You wake up and look around

Y/N: what?

Y/N: where am I? How did I get here?

Y/N: ...

Y/N: my head hurts maybe i fell in another pit and hit my head

Y/N: I should really be more carful when I go hiking on a mountain where people disappear 

you look around for an exit 

Y/N: there that looks like it might be an exit

You get up and walk through the exit

Then you see a flower?

boogie: hello human! Welcome to the underground!

Y/N: what?!

Y/N: did you just talk?!

Boogie: yes human! welcome to the under-

You grab a lighter out of your pocket and light boogie on fire


Y/N: Nope, not talking to the flower, not happening

Boogie runs away quickly loudly screaming in pain

Y/N: Well that was ... something

Y/N: what the heck was that!?  Since when do flowers talk!?

Y/N: I better get out of here quickly

You walk through the runes for while until you see a skeleton walking towards you

Skeleton: greetings human! I am prince papyrus, the caretaker of the ruins!

Y/N: ...

Papyrus are you ok human? you look deeply disturbed

Y/N: Um hi.. I'm fine...

Papyrus: are you injured human?

Y/N: Well I have a headache but nothing else 

Papyrus slowly walks over to you and places his hand on your head

The headache went away 

Y/N: What was that? How did you make my headache go away?

Papyrus: it's just heeling magic human!

Papyrus human what is your name?

Y/N: Y/N

Papyrus: good! now will you please follow me I will guide you through the ruins

Y/N: Uhh ok 

Y/N: he seems nice enough I'll follow him he definitely knows how to get out of  here

Y/N; thanks

Papyrus: human may I ask you something

Y/N: sure

Papyrus: did you run into an strange flowers?

You stop immediately and give papyrus a funny look

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