Mission 1 - Part 1

79 3 3

June 15th.





"... so leave a message and I'll get back to you."

"Hey kid it's me, I'm calling to let you know that I've recieved a job... a big job, so if you don't hear from me in a few weeks... nevermind. Just take care of yourself and stay out of trouble. remember to keep up with your training and someday your surpass me. but till then stay out of my weapons room-"

"Dante you coming? we gotta hurry!"

"yeah i"m on my way! *sigh* sorry, but I got to go. so I guess this is goodbye... for now."




"damn it." says a young man who's running down a starwell, looking upset about something, as he hurriedly fixed his red coat. The young man looked to be around 16-18 but had white hair with a few strands of black brushed down to partially cover his eyes, he wore long, tan-colored jeans, black fingerless gloves, and military style boots. His coat has a buckle around the waist, and two brown, leather holsters on the back for the young mans two hand cannons which were colored silverish white and the other black. He doesn't wear anything under the coat, which allows people to see his bare well-toned chest and muscular physique. He was currently chasing his "target" which had managed to get away from him twice now and he wasn't going to let it get away a third time.

" 'This is an easy job' they said." Said the young man with a heavy frown present on his face as he pulled out the black handcannon and fired at the target, who managed to dodge some of the bullets but the fatigue from their earlier bout against the young man has slowed them down enough for the rest of the bullets to strike them.

Although the bullets didn't hit anything fatal, it still hurt a lot. as the bullets hit the figure fell and tumbled through the hallway as the young man finally caught up and as he caught up the figure was trying to get up, it was on it's knee's with it's hands on the ground. So as the young man caught up he reared his leg back and kicked the figures ribs sending it flying into the wall behind it, leaving a small pool of blood where it once was. Before it could get up a pistol was placed to the side of his head and as it turned its head it saw the young man with a smirk.

"Fun chase but your times up." the young man said as he was about to pull the trigger, but before he could a vioce rang out, "Stop!" it was a female. The female had a holy aura allowing them to see in the dark building. But it also allowed the young man to see her features she had violet eyes and long light brown chestnut hair with her hair down . She had a moderate size chest. It wasn't to big and it wasn't to small. the young lady looked to be around 15-17. She wore a white combat uniform that most young aspiring female paladins of the church wore. There was a blade strapped to her side, it had a holy aura to it. In summary she was a good looking young lady who worked for the church.

"What do you want Irina? Can't you see I have a job to finish?" said the young man who still had his gun pointed at the mysterious cloaked figure.

"I can see that you have a fugitive running from church." Irina shot back

"Irina I'm not letting you take this guy, I'm being paid to capture this guy and if I let you take him I'm missing out on a big paycheck. Which I need for... things." Said the young man as he looked to the side while saying things like it was something he didn't want to bring up around Irina.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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