look anyway

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As the bell rang from lunch i quickly pack up my things and ran out the class. I go get in the line for lunch and it was my favorite burgers , cupcake , milkshake. I rush to my seat which is the loudest table but of course nobody said anything cuz we all rich. I walk to my seat which is next to emma and Chole which is also my best friend. "Hey" i said" hey and matt upset that you rush out without waiting for him" said Chole i feel my stomach twist in knot because when Matt mad he tends to yell and throw things which scary me. "Oh"i said as my voice sounds a little high." Are you ok your voice went a little high" said Emma Oh nothing "i just need something to drink" i said as i pick up the milkshake on my tray. I heard the doors slam open and shut and everyone turn to look and to my guess it was my mad looking boyfriend. He knows everyone watching so he sit by me and saids to me "come with me" with a angry looking smile" sure" i said while he put me up and grips my wrist hard and i am pretty sure that going to leave a bruise. He put me into the hallway and shoved me hardly in the lockers and says with a cold tone if you and i mean ever try to rush out like that again i promise you i will hurt you got that" He said as he push me hard against locker. Ok ok i got " i said. As he pull me up and put his arm around me . Start to walk. As they walk away someone was lurking in hallway.

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