What Did you Do?

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(POV: Barry tore his ACL and lost his speed and has not been in a good mood ever since and one day Cisco comes home asking what kind of mood he is in.)

*Cisco walks into the house and smiles at the man on the couch.*

Cisco: Hey babe...

Cisco: How good of a mood are you in?

Barry: *Silent as he stares at the man standing in front of him now.*

Barry: What did you do?

Barry: What charges need dropped?

*Caitlin and harry run in looking pissed*

Harry: Ramon you have five seconds to tell us how you managed to almost blow up Star Labs and had the bright idea to have Wally run the bomb into the middle of nowhere!

Caitlin: Wally has 3rd degree burns Cisco!

Cisco: *Chuckles nervously and looks at Barry* Babe.

Barry: Nope I ain't helping you on that one. Now you two. Yell at him all you want but do not call and tell Joe about any of it and make sure Wally doesn't tell him Cisco did this. 

Barry: I am happy to have my boyfriend and I am not going in debt to plan a funeral that my adoptive father caused because my boyfriend was stupid enough to cause this. if anything tell Joe it was me and he won't be as pissed.

Barry: I am not going in debt again.

*He grabs his crutches and heads towards his office.*

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