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Btw I don't know if I told you Roku's quirk but it's basically a mix between Aizawa's and his mothers and it's called eraser Summons it's basically where he can summon anything but it takes a lot of energy to do so but his summon's and him can erase quirks but instead of with eyes he has to land at least one touch on the person but whatever part of his body he used looses it's energy faster than the rest. Hope you understand 😅

Roku woke up and felt sore cause he slept funny and was in a bad mood plus it was Monday the first day of school...But he actually kinda liked it because he could get a way from home specifically his mother...Plus he saved money to get school lunches! He gets dressed in a skin tight black shirt that has a part that goes up his neck (like the one Kakashi wears) and he has Black ripped jeans on with black shoes, plus he has a White hoodie but he keeps it in his backpack cause his mom doesn't know about it.. (btw Roku has Black hair with neon green in it and got his mother's emerald green eyes) he runs downstairs with his back full of all the stuff he needs (I live in the U.S so the grade before high school is 8th so we're going to say he's in 8th grade) "ROKU!" He stopes at the door holding onto the handle "Why didn't you say good bye to your dear mother...?!" She walks up to him and Slaps him "NOW.. what do you have to say to me..?" "Bye mom" "that's right!.. you may leave now" he runs out of the house with tears in his eyes but refuses to let them fall down.. he summons his fastest Summon and hops on her back and she runs to school...

HAH IMMA LEAVE YALL ON A CLIFF HANGER ❤️❤️😩😩 but for real I have to go to bed because of school 😭😭 I'm in 8th grade and I have to pass to get out of my stupid school😚✌️ night YALL or morning depending on when your reading this 😂

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