WoodCrest's Finest.

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Huey and Riley patrolled WoodCrest in their unmarked squad car. Riley sat in the passenger seat, drinking coffee while Huey drove.

"If your ass would've told me ten years ago, I'd be a bitch ass police officer, I'da told yo ass to goto a mental asylum." Riley said, taking another sip.

Huey nodded his head. "The only one way to stop systemic racism is from the inside."

Riley shook his head. "Man, we've been on the force comin up on five years. We ain't stopping shit. Why can't you be happy helping the community?"  Riley said, taking a bite of a donut.

Huey side glanced Riley and then went back to driving. "Because this isn't our community."

Riley almost choked on the donut. "Nigga, we've been here since we were 12 and 10. The fuck you mean this ain't our community. Plus, you don't mind playing Captain save and hoe when it comes to saving that bitch Jazmine. She's always in some trouble and you're always lookin the other way." 

Huey shrugged his shoulders. "Aren't you actively trying to get in a relationship with a female that only wants you because she has a fetish for your skin color." 

Riley nodded. "So? That means she won't leave a nigga. She been tryna get at me for years now but I just started feeling her ya dig? She like a nigga in uniform."

"Yea yea..."

Huey and Riley's conversation was cut short when they heard the radio dispatch going off. "We got a code 187! 187! TIMID DEER LANE!"

Huey picked up the radio and spoke into it. "10-4, we're responding to the call." Huey placed his lights on and began speeding. "Nigga, calm down! The fuck does 187 mean again?"


Riley's eyes widened and he threw his cup of coffee out of the window. He reached into the glove compartment, taking out his gun. "Thank god, for this day. In five years, I ain't have to use this. I'm about to get me one today."

Huey didn't pay attention to Riley. Timid Deer Lane was the street they used to live on, that could either mean one or two things. Granddad is dead or Jazmine is in trouble... again.

They finally got there after a few shortcuts. He saw the door to Tom's house open and Granddad was trying to stop Jazmine from going back in there. "What the fuck...?" Riley said, stepping out of the car.

Huey got out of the car aswell and raced inside of the home and what they saw was terrible. Tom's brains was splattered all over the kitchen table. Sarah got the easy end of it, she died in her sleep a good slash to the throat. "Riley call for some backup. I'm going to sweep the scene, see if I can find any murder weapons." 

Huey reached into his back pocket, taking out some latex gloves. He placed them on and began searching the house for a murder weapon. He couldn't find any on the first floor and he couldn't find a thing. He didn't have much luck on the second floor either. After his failed attempts, he went into the backyard and looked into the bushes, anything.

And there he found a bloody knife and gun right next to it, it looked like they hid it in a hurry. He quickly noted that. He took out a radio and called in for Riley. "Bring me an evidence bag for the murder weapons." He said.

"You one smooth as nigga."

"Not the fucking time."

Riley brought up the evidence bag and Huey placed it inside. They bagged it up and placed it in their squad car, they were going to scrub it for prints later. Huey went up front and went over to a distraught Jazmine. "Jazmine...DO you know of anyone who could do this?"

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