The Return pt.1

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This is going to be a three part chapter entry into the one shots. This is one concept I've been wanting to try and was debating to make it into a full book. But if you guys want it. Then tell me what you think about this chapter right here.


Huey's POV

Here I was the same place I was years ago. I had just arrived in WoodCrest , the memories already flooding back to me. I had a lot of "fun" here when I was brought here against my will.

I was in a Taxi and it was the afternoon, my flight was late, I was supposed to arrive hours earlier. I had gotten news my grandfather had just died so I had to return at some point.

I haven't talked to him in years, things wasn't the same after I moved away. I kept in contact with Riley and when he told me granddad passed away in his sleep I had to come back. Running away shouldn't have never been the option. But, we all make mistakes.

I pulled up infront of the house I knew so well. It was older now and the grass was overgrown. Possibly because he got too old to chase Riley to come and cut it. And knowing Riley he wouldn't have the respect to do it anyways. I hand taxi driver a crisp 50$ bill and got out of the car. I walk up to the door and sigh before knocking.

I heard some rustling for a moment and then Riley swings the door open, looks me up and down. "Didn't think you'd actually come" He says backing away from the door to let me in.

"Granddad died and I was thinking about coming back anyways."
He scoffs. "My nigga, you wasn't thinking shit. Come and sit down." He ushers me to the living room; which was dirty and messed up. I sat down and he opens a cooler next to the couch, opening it and cracking open a beer. "You want one?" He says turning over to me.

I shook my head. "So what's been going on?" I say. Riley shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know, you should've been here to see."

"Look, I know what I did bu-"

"Nigga save it." There was a long pause before Riley spoke up. "Grand dad was getting sick. But he was always gettin sick after you left. I was thinking he was finna pull through. Went to his room to ask for his car and he was gone."

"You ain't take him to the hospital?" I asked.
"We don't got that type of cash like you, Mr.Big Time."

"I sent y'all some money though." I choke out.

"We ain't want no handouts. Especially from yo ass."

I stand up "Look, I know what I did, but I ain't finna let you talk to me side ways. Don't forget who I am."

Riley dropped the beer and matched my level. "And you ain't finna come in here and get silly with me. Runaway ass nigga. You lucky I called your ass in the first place."

Me and Riley was staring eye to eye, daring one of us to move so the brawl would begin. My fist started to clench and then we both heard the doorbell. We sat there for a moment before I turn around and went to the door. I open it up and I see my old friend, staring right back at me.

Jasmine gave me a side ways look for a moment, deciding whether she was mad or happy to see me. Before long she pulls me into a hug. "I thought that was you!" She said, squeezing me tightly."

I sat there for a moment not sure what to do until she stopped. She hit me in my chest. "You shouldn't have left that quick. I was really hurt yknow. No calls, no warning, not even a text."

I scratch my head and look down. "Yeah, I know. I didn't even think about it, I just kinda did it."

She crosses her arms, staring me dead on. "You should have thought about it. Did you hear th-"

I nod my head. "That's why I'm down here, for the funeral."

"I figured. But that's not what I meant, the house is being taken. Actually this whole neighborhood is going to be demolished." She states.

I immediately look up. "What?!" I say, raising my voice.

Riley who had probably been eavesdropping the entire time came and pushed past me. "What? The fuck you talkin about. I ain't get no letters."

"You two really need to watch the news. They're bulldozing this entire neighborhood. I think it's going to be a mega mall or something."

Riley had an annoyed look on his face. "Nigga nobody a wannabe journalist like your ass. Fuck the news. Half that shit be fake. But ain't nobody finna take my grandads house."

Jazmine sighs. "I didn't want them to take my parents house either but, they're doing it. It's not in our control. That dude Ed Wuncler thinks he runs the whole city."

"They're just letting him do this?" Huey asked.
"Yup, it's all approved and everything. Construction begins next month. You either take the offer they give you or you leave with nothing." She explains.

Huey shook his head. "I'm not letting this happen."

Riley snickers "And what the fuck is you gone do? Have a motivational speech with them Nigga? This reporter hoe right here got more chances of stopping this shit then you do. Nigga I'm taking the offer and that's the end of it." He yells and then goes inside, slamming the door and leaving me and Jazmine outside.

"He really turned into a even bigger asshole." Jasmine remarks. "You wanna take a walk?" She adds. I look at her and she looks at me, both of us knowing where we're going. "Yes I do." We we're walking to our hill that we used to sit at when we were younger. Usually, it'd be her following me against my will but I started to like her company a lot.

Too bad I left...

On the way there I had some questions for her.
"Why a journalist?" I ask.
"Cause I get to report the truth." She smiles , like she was waiting for me to ask. "Not a lot of truth gets reported."

She goes silent for a moment before saying "Okay, but why leave town and become a speaker?"

"That's like asking Mike Tyson why he became a boxer. He likes fighting."

"Didn't have to be a smart ass about it." It went silent again. "But did you really have to leave after-"
"Yes, yes I did."

She quits and we walk in silence the rest of the way to the hill. Once we got there we sat down and didn't say a word. It was nice being there for a moment. Then it all went downhill. Her phone began ringing. "Who's that?" I say annoyed because of the sudden sound.

"My boyfriend." She answers the phone and puts it to her ear. "Caesar? Yeah, I'm coming home soon... yes I got the fucking eggs check the fridge in the garage. Alright I love you." She hung up the phone. "Sorry about that." Of course it was Caesar. He had eyes for her for a long time. The only thing stopping him was me being around.

But I guess she finally gave in. "So you and Caesar?"
"Oh yeah, you remember how he was when we were younger. Always giving me gifts and stuff. Me and him just clicked after."

"Yeah, I get it." I stopped her. Well that was nice while it lasted. "Well I'm going home. I got alot to think about and I have to bury my grandfather tomorrow. I'll see you soon" I say standing up. The look in her face I could tell she knew you ruined the moment. "Ok." She said, not even looking at me anymore. I sigh and I turn around , leaving her on the hill alone

I know this was a short chapter. But I wanted to feel out how well received this would get before doing all that. So tell me how y'all enjoyed it and I'll give this some
More love. And I'll also be updating 3 kings and True Love soon. For the people waiting for another update to Boondocks 1960 I don't think that will happen. I ruined that book😐 but yeah. See ya soon

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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