Chapter 1: Arrived

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"Aunt May, are we there yet?" I asked impatiently.

"Not yet sweetheart, the house is on the farm somewhere. It's been a long time since I was there."

"Yeah, that's why she's driving and not me."

"Happy, why did you go on this trip with us again?"

" Well, as you know me and your aunt are dating. So we thought this is a perfect opportunity for me to get acquainted with them."

"Uh huh. Ok."

"Just make sure that you keep an eye on goose. One week is a lot of time to be able to loose him."

"Got it Aunt May. Don't worry though. I'm Spider-Man, I'm sure that I won't loose goose."

"Yeah. But goose is a Flerken, not a cat." Happy said, "You also need to make sure that he doesn't eat anybody."

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure goose is trained not to eat humans."

"Pete, I don't want an eyepatch like Furry. I like my eye and I am sure that others would like to keep theirs too."

"Look, here it is." May says excitedly.

I looked out the window to see a small farm house and people walking out of it. The car now parked, I got out and started stretching my legs. I looked over at the house, my spider senses where tingling.

"Oh May, it's been too long." This older women said.

"Yes, well. A lot is been happening."

That's an understatement, I got spider powers, became a vigilante, got iron man as a mentor, became a superhero, died in space then got brought back to life, and now my aunt is dating my mentors head security worker.

"You must be Peter."

It brought me out of my thoughts and in a panic I took out my hand to shake and said, "Hi, I'm peterman-I mean Peter Porker-I mean, uhm, Peter Parker." Of course the first thing I say I mess up.

I hear a girl giggling and I look over to this tall guy in glasses and two-four teenagers. Two look like 11-13 so I don't really know if they are teens, but one of them has glasses on. Those must be his kids, except the 11-13 without glasses. I am assuming that that is one of his sons friends. And the female is either the girlfriend or just friend of the other teenager. I must say, they look very familiar, but I can't figure out where I have seen them before.

"Why did you bring a cat?" The kids who I am assuming is a family friend asked.

"Oh, you like cats?" Maybe I can befriend someone, even if he is younger than me.

I mean, I am the middle here, there are adults, two teens who look 17-18 and the two others who look 11-13. I am 15, it doesn't look too good in the making friends department, especially if they brought their friends and I'm the only one who didn't bring a friend but instead brought a cat er-a flerken, but they don't need to know that.

"Tch, I wouldn't be asking if I didn't."

Ok, a little rude. But I can handle it, "His name is Goose and I babysit him when his mom is out of country, which is a lot."

The tall man with glasses perked up, "Why is his mom always away?"

I looked up at him, "Well," I can't tell him that she is a superhero and that she it out on missions, "She is part of the Air Force."

He nodded, the paused, "I'm sorry Peter, I just realized that we haven't introduced ourselves yet. My name is Clark Kent," I rose my eyebrows, "This is Conner my son and his girlfriend Megan."

"Hello." Megan said with a wave while Conner just nodded.

"This one is my son John and his best friend  Damian Wayne."

That's why they looked so familiar. One is a billionaire's son and the other is THE Clark Kent!

I nodded silently as he continued, " And are you THE Peter Parker who takes all of the Spider-Man pictures? I must say, I am a HUGE fan of the pictures you take. Maybe we could do a collab one day, you taking a pic of Superman and I'll write the article"

Kill me now and I'll die happy. If I make this out alive I am so going to be telling Ned.

Just then, my Peter Tingle-I mean my spider sense came on. I looked around to see another group come out of the house. They stopped right next to Damian.

"Hello, My name is Bruce Wayne and these are my sons, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Timothy Drake, and Damian who you already met." I took out his hand which I shook in awe.

"Can I please pet the cat?" The girl Megan I think, asked breaking the silence.

"Tch, the cats has a name and his name is goose. If anybody gets to pet the cat first, it's me. I was the first one to ask about goose."

So if I have goose with me at all times then I'll be ok in his eyes?, "Sorry, but goose isn't a very friendly cat."

"Then why did you bring him?" Mr. Grayson asked.

"He doesn't do good when he is alone. He tends to get into a lot of trouble." Yeah, and he is a deadly creature and will eat defenseless people.

"How about we go in and get you, May and Mr. Hogan settled in the house while the Wayne's leave for their hotel."

I nodded and mumbled a goodbye to them, then followed Connor to his room.

"Did you already have dinner?"

"Yes, we did have dinner. So I am planning on taking a shower then going straight to bed."

"I hope my room is clean enough for you, I'm gonna sleep in johns room with him."

I looked over to his room. It looks like he just bought it with everything already in place.

I nodded my head, then he left. Tomorrow will be my first official day.

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