Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Josh POV


The wind blows back my hair as I stare down at the parking lot.

I stand on the roof of the school wondering what has happened.

Somebody walks up behind me, "Hey man."

I turn and look, Mikey stands next to me looking out.

"Hi." I keep staring.

Mikey sighs, "How you holding up?"

"I don't know." I wait a few seconds, "I can't stop Chloe from her happiness. I thought once you meet the person you think is the one it was gonna be like the movies. Boy meets girl makes her his wife" (Yes... I just quoted Bruno Mars's "Young Girls") 

"Yeah but you guys aren't normal. This world isn't close to ever being normal. Chloe isn't. Josh isn't. Mikey isn't. Paige isn't. You know that, that never happens." After a few seconds Mikey adds, "You love her don't you?"

I look down then nod slowly.

"Then fight for her." Mikey says. After a few silent seconds he walks away. 

I just grab the back of my neck and look up at the sky. 

I need to fight for her. 

And I will.


Chloe POV-Day before Prom

"See you after school?" Paige asks. 

I nod. "Yeah like always." 

Paige slides past the crowd of people while I walk the other way to my car. 

When I get outside I feel a cold pair of hands cover my eyes. 

"Josh...." I breathe. 

They laugh and lead me somewhere outside. 

The person finally uncovers my eyes and spins me around in front of them. 

A pair of eyes catch mine. 

There not blue though.

They're brown. A dark brown. 

"Nick!" I snap. 

He laughs, "Hey gorgeous. So I decided that I don't want that piece of trash anymore. What was her name again?" He brushes a piece of my hair back. 

"Paige was it?" He asks. I glare at him. 

"Well I don't want her anymore. I want you." his voice rough, "And your what I'm going to get." 

He starts pushing his lips against mine moving his hands down to my waist. I don't know what to do so I just don't kiss back hoping he doesn't notice. 

I feel someone pull Nick off of me. 

There blue eyes meet mine. 

We can read eachtoher's minds,

Knowing how hurt we both our.

He grabs Nick and says, "If you lay one more finger on her or Paige I am not kidding you will seriously be going through hell. Now go!" He pushes Nick away.

"Josh I was fine-"

He interupts me, "Chloe I can't keep going days among days not talking to you. I lay awake at night wondering what is going on inside your head. The pain. The confusion. The hate. And I get that. but, please give me another chance. I am not like everybody says I am."

"Josh it isn't that easy. Look It kills me not being with you but how can I trust someone who bet on me? When you made that bet did you think of  how the end result would be? Did you think about the pain I would be in once I found out. And did you even think about what would happen if you fell for me? Josh I love you but I'm not going to be with someone who I'm afraid of losing." I cry. 

Josh looks down, "Don't trust Brandon. I am warning you now. Please believe me-"

I interupt him, "Josh I chose to go to Prom with Brandon, and that's what I am going to do." 

I walk away leaving a speechless Josh.

It kills me. 

It kills me.

It kills me.

It killed me.////end of chapter 28

Ouch!! This fanfic is slowly coming to an end but don't worry I will have another fanfic right after! :) 

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