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More of a curiosity than a story, this is a word-for-word transcript of the original, handwritten outline I made for this story back in November 2014 (grammar errors and all).  Hope you enjoy it!  Don’t feel obligated to read/finish this if it gets dull, there will be another narrative omake coming soon ;0)  Still, there are a few gems that never made it into the final version sprinkled throughout.

Also, I apologize in advance for the rampant formatting errors.  I tried (with limited success) to duplicate the formatting of the original . . . .

John and Paul 1

Gas 4:00 PM


Campout (in) NIGHT

Bagpipe museum

Lake (loch)

Castle NIGHT

Play music in countryside

Glasgow 12:00 Noon

4 PM, Chapter One

Tour bus arrives at remote gas station

Everyone gets out – bathroom, tea, or just to stretch their legs (J & P) or to make phone call

Brian:  “Meet back here in ten minutes”

John and Paul see battered, 10-yr-old, silvery blue Ford Anglia – homemade “For sale” sign taped to inside of front windscreen

John goes back to bus to get their things, grabs his & Paul’s suitcases and his acoustic guitar

Paul buys car & road map, gets directions to next gas station from 60-something woman who works there

            Paul insists on driving after the “Bournemouth incident”

Neil’s in phone booth, Mal’s standing outside – only he sees Ford Anglia screech out of Parking lot.

4:30 PM, Chapter 3

J & P reach 2nd gas station.

In parking lot they plan their rout:  “It’ll still get us to Glasgow, it’ll just take us about a day and a half longer”

Buy lots of snack food, flashlights, portable radio, blankets, 2 cameras and a roll of film each.  comic books

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