005. Prince of Ardor

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Prince of Ardor

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Sleeping during the day still did not come easily. I didn't even doze, but it ended up as a blessing. I was able to sneak out just at the beginning of sunset, alone. Praying Sky would not be upset with me, I slipped out of the Day Palace and made my way across the courtyard, which looked entirely different at such an hour.

Rather than an empty stretch of space, the courtyard was bordered with countless flickering blue flames, all of which were suspended in the air by some mystical force. And in the center, a good number of elves—Dethali, by the looks of it—were training. Rows and rows of white-armored soldiers sparred with one another, chanting out their positions and attacks. I'd always imagined them to move stiffly, tensely, but they glided into each form like flowing creeks. Their synchronization alone left me in awe, but it was the coral light of the setting sun glinting off their blades that kept me mesmerized.

Something about the strength in the warriors' chants, the solidness behind their movements felt comforting. It was something sure, which was a feeling I'd been missing for too long.

Keeping to the blue-lit borders of their training grounds, I made it to the expansive staircase of the Grand Palace before someone stopped me.

"You, halfling," a female elf called out from halfway up the steps. She spoke with authority, and the depth in her voice had me squaring my shoulders.

"Yes?" I answered, pausing to look up at her. She wore a mildly armored white bodysuit similar to the Dethali gear, with a translucent cape drifting in the breeze behind her slender frame. Her wispy black hair was tied into a bun. She took controlled steps down toward me, locking in her chilling gaze. It was as if that look alone turned me to stone.

"What do I call you?" she asked bluntly. The shine of her dangling piercings drew my attention to her ears, and I realized she was a Teseran.

There's a princess in the Royal Family?

"I'm Moon of Oreth, princess."

She scoffed. "You're mistaken if you think I'm a princess."

"You're not of the Royal Family?"

Her gaze burned into a glare. "Where are you headed?"

"I'm not sure. Hoping to introduce myself to the princes."

Her scarlet-painted lips stretched into a distasteful smile. "Of course you are. Well, Prince Seokjin is practicing in the music room. The rest of them are usually out in the gardens around this hour. You can test your luck in finding them."

"Thank you," I offered despite her attitude. After taking one step, I paused and mirrored her first question. "What can I call you?" She was too intriguing for me not to know her name.

Her brow lifted as if caught off guard. Looking back out at the soldiers, her pale cheeks dusted pink as she replied quietly, "Essa."

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Searching for a particular room in the massive palace was like roaming an infinite maze. No matter how carefully I tracked my direction, somehow I ended up at the same empty ballroom, the same hallway lined with tinted windows, and the same spiraling staircase that led to a single balcony.

After wasting half an hour, I finally swallowed my pride and asked a servant to lead me to the music room. Turning a corner, a swirling melody breezed by, the sound reminding me somehow of the vibrant colors and sweet scents of my flowers back home.

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