The true masterminds

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"Hey Kevin, so how have you been?" Beau asked nervously as he was punched in the face. When Kevin's fist made contact with Beau's face blood erupted from his nose, mouth and even cried a few tears of blood. Kevin was just about to throw another punch when...

"Crystarmum" orange crystals surrounded Beau forming a dome around him blocking him off from his captors as he then fell to his knees and started to suffer from his PTSD. Just as Kevin was about to use his osmosian powers to destroy the crystal dome, Talia and Iris walked up behind them as Auriana jumped on top it.

"If you want to get to him you will have to get past us" Talia said as magical circles appeared around her, Auriana, Iris, Mephisto and Praxina's hands as Six Six brought out a blaster and whip while Kevin absorbed the crystal dome, coating his body in it and morphed his hands into blades. Never group moved a muscle waiting for the over to make the first move.

"Cryst-" Auriana started as the dome she was exploded sending her into the air screaming. She kept screaming until she opened her eyes and saw that she was levitating while her body was sheathed by a thin layer of lightning. When she looked to her side she saw an orange crab-like creature. He had pincers for hands and six crustacean legs and the folds on the top of his head could be opened to reveal his brain. He also had a silver piece of clothing around his body that held the Omnitrix symbol on it. This form Beau named Brainstorm.

"Excuse me, dear Auriana" he started in a British accent as he floated them with Iris and Talia

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"Excuse me, dear Auriana" he started in a British accent as he floated them with Iris and Talia. "I've would have warn you but there was no time" he added as Six Six chucked his blaster at them. He then used his whip to grab the blaster and fired it at to close of range for Iris to use a spell. She then screamed at a manhole cover flew in front of her protecting her from the blast as it then flew into the blaster causing it to exploded as the crab then opened his head and lighting sparked from it and surrounded Kevin.

"I'm made of pure crystal Hunter; your little lightning has no effect on me" he laughed as the twins fired a hurricane of crystals at Beau and Six Six threw multiple grenades at him and Kevin ran forward trying to cut Beau into crab cakes.

"BEAU" the girls screamed as a new creature ran right past them. He was a blue-skinned velociraptor-like alien with black skin on his arm and legs. He had a long prehensile tail with blue and black stripes. His arms ended with three fingered hands with scissor-like claws and instead of feet, he had blue wheel-like spheres at the end of his leg. A blue and black mask lifted from his face, revealing the green eyes with black markings. he wore a jumpsuit-like version of his regular clothes with the watch symbol on his chest. "XLR8" he said as he grabbed Auriana bridle style and ran.

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